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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  2. Is it just me, or does Beckum inspire NO confidence in you? I mean, when he actually got on the field last year... he looked like a rookie FA pickup. I wasn't impressed.
  3. I thought he was going to be fat and slow. I forget who he was playing, but my dad was all excited saying, "they say the Giants are probably going to draft this guy." A second later, he ran though a hole you could drive a truck through after a forty yard scamper... he was caught by about three DBs at the same time. "He looks slow." I said back to him. I hate being right sometimes.
  4. ...whassup with Torry Holt's fucked-up finger?
  5. Degenerative Arthritis isn't the kind of injury that people come back from. His career is effectively over.
  6. Achilles. It's a two-year injury to come back from 100%, though Ronnie Brown seemed to kind of buck that trend a few years back.
  7. lol that was actually pretty funny.
  8. With his injuries, he should be moved to a short yardage/change of pace/4th quarter back. I was pounding the drum for a while for Jacobs as an every-down guy, but he's just too fragile for that. However, he's a great guy on third-and-short (when he's not running like a girl), and he's great to wear down a D in the fourth quarter. The Power-I with Hedgecock blocking can be really debilitating... I REALLY think we need to take somebody on D in the first round, but this draft is so deep, we could trade down more than a few times and still land a stud. I'd be happy with Spiller if he fell to us.
  9. Actually, I'm fairly sure that Smith had more catches, yards, and TDs than Plaxico ever had in any season.
  10. My sister's name is Darcy.
  11. If this rule is a good idea... then why are they only applying it to the playoffs?
  12. Man, that was an awesome vid. I loved the picture of Burt clobbering Montana. Charles Way... one of my all-time favorite Giants. Tough as nails, and underrated... never seemed to make the Pro Bowl because Mike Alstott would rush for 30 more yards than him every season (even though Alstott couldn't block your grandmother). Would have loved to see the pic of Emanuel Mc. Daniel single-handedly taking Randy Moss out of the NFC Championship game. After Moss got hurt on that bomb, it was obvious he had mailed it in. And not for nothing but... NO Jesse Armstead? The guy was the heart and soul of our defense for five years.
  13. oh, I'm behind a firewall.
  14. I don't get it. All I see is a picture of a smiley face with a camoflauge hat on soluting.
  15. Fucking A, I totally forgot about that. Got a PayPal account? Lemme know your email address and I'll send it that way. If not, I guess I'll send you a check, lol. Jeez, my faith in Sinorce Moss put me in the poor house.
  16. Agreed. All he did was have six of his eight picks in his first year (Ross, Smith, Alford, Boss, Johnson, Bradshaw) make major contributions en route to the team's first Super Bowl win in almost twenty years, and follow that up with three solid-to-good players (Phillips, Thomas, Manningham) and two guys who are competing for starting spots (Kehl, Goff) in his next year. And while his free agent pickups have been less than stellar (except for Hedgecock), let's not forget all the dead wood (Petitgout, Chad Morton, R.W, Carlos Emmons) he cut out as well.
  17. Actually I was leaning towards either Paul Posluzny or Kawika Mitchell.
  18. ...and caviar, and Bentleys, and Penthouse apartments, and... it all balances out.
  19. So after John Mara basically told my family to go fuck themselves unless 20 grand fell out of the sky and that they would NOT be moving us to a different, more affordable part of the stadium, we got a phone call today. From what my father says, it went like this: NYG Rep: We still have tickets available in the upper tier! As a valuable season ticket holder, we want to give you an extra crack at them! Dad: You told us that months ago. Then you said they weren't available. Now they're available again. I think you're having a hard time getting rid of tickets and you're coming back with your tail between your legs looking to be bailed out. NYG Rep: Uh, yeah... pretty much. Dad: Where are the seats, and what is the deal? NYG Rep: Third tier, 20-yard-line seats, 1K PSL licences each for all four. Dad: I want a payment plan, too. Not all the money up front like you guys wanted earlier. NYG Rep: OK. Dad: Let me ask my son what he thinks too and I'll call you back. Plus, I want to be introduced at halftime of the home opener and have John Mara kiss my naked, hairy ass in front of the whole stadium. And my son wants to fuck his daughter. NYG Rep: Deal. OK, so I made those last two parts up, but I told him to get 'em if he can get 'em. If we somehow get fucked AGAIN though, it's goodbye forever.... they've given us like six different stories at this point.
  20. Fuck the new stadium. I hope the Giants lose 43-0 and there's 100 shots of that asshole John Mara looking flabbergasted and stupid. What a selfish, greedy prick.
  21. Hey man, don't feel bad. My new team has holes at OL, DL, MLB, DB, and QB. :/
  22. Marshall is a head case who's rap sheet is worse than T.O's or Randy Moss' at this point in their respective careers. He would be a bad fit for the Giants.
  23. Come on over to Buffalo! The water's fine this time of year! Seriously tho... which team ran the "Wildcat" offense in the Super Bowl a few months ago? The Wildcat will go the way of the Velociraptor, the Dodo, and the "Run and Shoot."
  24. Houston? They're too far away! Plus, they're from Texas! No thanks! Buddy Nix (the new Buffalo GM) has pretty much gone on the record saying that they're not making a big splash in free agency... which means they'll let everybody else spend a ton, and scoop up bargain guys after the dust settles. Which is OK if you land your Kawika Mitchells... but it's nice to get a big-name guy in there every now and then too. He obviously wants to build through the draft, and I'm cool with that... as long as he can draft well. Hey, just remember... Mara threw MY family out of the stadium, not the other way around, lol. It's OK though... I"m sure PNC bank will really enjoy our former seats.
  25. Aww, bummer, man. But the "Porter to Buffalo" rumors are heating up, so I have something to be excited about. My new team hasn't done shit in the first few hours of Free Agency.
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