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Everything posted by RandolphScott

  1. I`m an Irish Catholic guy, but I don`t have a BC connection, think I can get the job?
  2. Lewis is cheap, so he buys crack in Irvington, Huff goes for the expensive shit in Heroin. While were on the subject, why in fuck`s sake would anyone want to do heroin? Why try something that can fucking KILL you in one shot. People are so god-damn stupid these days.
  3. "We need to make plays" No fucking shit asshole, this coaching staff is such a clusterfuck.
  4. Reporter: "Coach, why do you think your team lost today?" Coughlin: "Well, it`s simple, I didn`t call on the crowd enough today and I didn`t run out to mid-field like a retard arguing a penalty" Reporter: "Uh, coach, what does that have to do with anything?" Coughlin: "Oh, nothing, John Huffnagel has a pretty sweet heroin connection in Irivington, New Jersey, I tried some with him before he and I game planned for the Eagles"
  5. Nem, we need to blow up and start over again.
  6. 100 percent right, my uncle even said "at 7:30 Steve Marucci is going to be fired" before the end of the 1st half.
  7. I got about 8 hours of sleep that week, I couldn`t sleep for days.
  8. Thanks man, I didn`t know games started out with the score tied 0-0. Fucking idiot.
  9. Booyah, you should have gotten a bad picture of Graham. That run set up the Amani Toomer catch. Still remember it, against Tito "Toast" Paul.
  10. If I saw Billick walking the streets of Manhattan, I`d Pimp Slap him. He is a prick and always will be.
  11. Hate to tell you this, but Shockey is 100 percent right. If the Giants play their game and that`s a HUGE IF, no team in the league can beat them. But it doesn`t matter, Hufnagel won`t give the ball to Tiki Barber enough and he won`t throw it to Shockey.
  12. He is a honky, what do you expect? For Omar to sign him? HA
  13. I`m Irish Catholic, went to a High School prep seminary and did want to become a Priest, I win.
  14. No way, that was just a great interception.
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