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Everything posted by RandolphScott

  1. Georgie had a string of terrible 1st round draft picks during the years 1991-1996. Dave Brown was a human shitstain. And I`m glad to see Shockey blaming himself, something Coach Cheerleader doesn`t do. God forbid Coughlin take blame for anything.
  2. I don`t think Jacobs had one carry. On a side note, I think its funny someone can have one catch for MINUS 7 yards. See Shockey, Jeremy.
  3. Thats ironic, because Whitfield is a piece of trash and if it wasn`t for football he`s be in a maximun security prison right now.
  4. And Coughlin is half the man and coach Dan Reeves was. Dan Reeves had shit for talent in the years he coached, amazing he could amase 5 wins with that group.
  5. Exactly, pay Notre Dame out the asshole to get that guy. He or Lovie Smith the team should have hired. I truly believe the Giants didn`t hire Smith because he was black.
  6. OH TOMMY BOY, THE DAY THE DAY IS COMING. Hopefully its fucking soon, like, within the hour.
  7. I wasn`t alive to see the 1986 team, I was born in 1988.
  8. Very true, I can`t believe I forgot about that. I met alot of the 86 Mets when they had the 20 year reunion.
  9. Or maybe you have no clue what I`m talking about
  10. Shall I also mention the year 1988. The Mets won 100 games, only to lose to the eventual world champion Los Angels Dodgers, fuck you Mike Soscia, or however the fuck you spell your last name. We can all blame Frank Cashen, sure he did a great job building the Mets into a powerhouse, then dismantled the team as soon as they peaked. Lenny Dykstra and Roger McDowell for Philadelphia`s Juan Samuel in 1989? Wally Backman to the Twins for Toby Nivens, Steve Gasser and Jeff Bumgarner less than two months after losing the NLCS in 1988. The Mets organization as a whole for turning a blind eye towards Dwight Gooden and Daryll Strawberry`s cocaine habit. For promoting Gregg Jefferies. For Mel Stottlemyer, trying to teach Dwight Gooden a changeup, messed with his mechanics and was never the same.
  11. Yes, just completely dismiss the year 1973. The best catchphrase in all of sports was created by our very own Tug McGraw "YA GOTTA BELIEVE". Mets won 81 games that year, and took the mighty Oakland A`s to game 7 of the World Series. Completely dismiss the trade that killed the Mets in 1977, trading Tom Seaver for a bunch of spair parts. Thats the day my cousin stoped being a Mets fan. The utterely garbage years of 1978-1983. The years of assholes like Lee Mazzilli and Dave Kingman. 1998, that May 31st trade to bring the best hitting catcher in all of baseball to New York, Mike Piazza. The day before he came, 10,000 people were in the stands. Next day, 55,00 people were there. 1999, a great year to be a Mets fan, first time in 11 years the Mets made the playoffs, Todd Pratt`s homerun to beat the Arizona Diamondbacks, I`ll never forget that moment in my life, Shea was rocking. 2000, the 8 run inning against the Atlanta Braves, capped off with Piazza`s homerun that got out of the stadium in 4 seconds. But year, other than 1969 and 1986 the Mets have done nothing. And the saddest part is that you`re older than me.
  12. Sure, one million dollar ego and a ten cent body. Lee Mazzilli was an asshole.
  13. Exactly, Huff should be calling 10-15 yard passing plays instead of 20-30 yard passing plays. It gets the quarterback in a groove, then you go for the long bombs.
  14. Huff cannot call a smooth 15 play drive, let alone a full game. He is the most inconsistent person at calling plays ever, he is pass happy as hell.
  15. Coaching Staff, no questions. Eli Manning would thrive under Jim Fassel, of this, I have no doubt.
  16. Fishgut, anyone you want to see back? :brooding:
  17. Fuck off asshole. Made Game 7 of the NLCS with 3 pitchers. Those Mets were 2002-2004, we`re a new Team now. 2007 New York Mets Slogan "We are better than you and we fucking know it"
  18. So, if you get good, straight stuff, you can live the rest of your life on heroin? No wonder Keith Richards is still alive. No, I tell it like it is.
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