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The Big Blue 500


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Add Aneusher-Busch as the next sponsor of the new stadium, next we will be wearing decals all over our jerseys and making pit stops in between plays


Oh, I thought you were talking about my top 500 list. The best sportswrath/GMB CE section people and posts. Let me give you a little sneek peek:


#1 - BOOHYAH, he's the king of sportswrath, what can i say??


#2 - Nemesis hey, he runs this place, he's a mod, what did you expect me to do?


#3 - Bronx Rik see #2


#4 - jranieli - see #2


#5 - shoobox I put her here in hopes of FINALLY getting that sig I want.


#6 - VG Because when I get drunk(like Im starting to rite now) I want to call him so we can whoop some ass!




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OK, sorry my son, I didnt mean to change your post into something of a drunk rant.



Man, I'm gonna miss the old stadium. Just Giants stadium. Nothing else, no other names, one of the most recognizable stadiums in the world. I'll always call it Giants Stadium no matter what the new name is. ;)

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Oh, I thought you were talking about my top 500 list. The best sportswrath/GMB CE section people and posts. Let me give you a little sneek peek:


#1 - BOOHYAH, he's the king of GAY, what can i say??


#2 - Nemesis hey, he runs this place, he's sassy, he can't speel, what did you expect me to do?


#3 - Bronx Rik GAYER than BOOHYAH


#4 - jranieli - GAYEST of the GAY


#5 - shoobox I put it in her in hopes of FINALLY getting that sig I want.


#6 - VG Because when I get drunk(like Im starting to rite now) I want to call him so we can hump some sheep ass!






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You say 5 of the 6 people listed are gay, the only single one is the chick? At least give me siomething to day dream about while working.

That's not my list, it's BB01's. And unless you and him are humping male sheep, you two weren't listed as gay, just sheep fuckers.....sheep fucker.

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That's already been established...............check #3 on the list, chief.

Just reiterating.


LOL....you guys kill me.


Im sorry bigblue25, I turned your thread into a sheep fucker thread!


Gay sheep fucker thread.

Someone is gonna get banned for this.

I nominate Rik, he's old and I think dimentia is setting in. It's time to put out to pasture.

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OK, sorry my son, I didnt mean to change your post into something of a drunk rant.



Man, I'm gonna miss the old stadium. Just Giants stadium. Nothing else, no other names, one of the most recognizable stadiums in the world. I'll always call it Giants Stadium no matter what the new name is. ;)


It's should be "Wellington Mara Stadium." Period.


Fuck Commerce Bank or whoever the fuck sponsors it.

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You ever try it? Don't judge dude, don't listen to these clowns. There's a while thread on it in the porn section.

Don't listen to this foolio, bigblue25........his porn section privileges were revoked after he posted inter-racial porn of him and baa-baa black sheep.

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Dude, I thought my password just needed refreshing, I was about to contact you or Nem. You blocked me? WTF?


Yeah, my password didn't work either for a while, I thought I got blocked. Couldn't figure out why. Its all good, it works now.


You should check out the chick with the horse. ;)

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Dude, I thought my password just needed refreshing, I was about to contact you or Nem. You blocked me? WTF?

I've warned you a hundred times........sheep fucking, ok, we can deal with it. Gay sheep fucking, eh, whatever floats your boat I suppose. But that inter-racial gay shit was just too much. You're not the only one looking at what you post, and we recieved hundreds of complaints about your porn preferences. Your password is expired permanantley, which is a shame really, because when you're not posting animal crap, you actually post some good shit. I know my g/f appreciates what you've posted in the past.

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Yeah, my password didn't work either for a while, I thought I got blocked. Couldn't figure out why. Its all good, it works now.

You should check out the chick with the horse. ;)


Damn, I guess I got you and one of the other "BigBlue(insert # here)" confused. I'll have to ban all of you now and see who bitches the loudest.

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The porn forum is temporary closed until we can get the situation under control. There is too much sick shit in there and I personally do not appreciate looking at two anacondas humping each other. Listen up current members, there will be an additional charge of $29.99 for the year plus $5 extra so I can buy some Natty Ice once a week. Mrs. Nemesis is currently accepting new members as soon as it reopens so shoot her a pm and then she will give you the info on how to sign up and how to make payment through paypal promptly. Thanks


sportswrath staff

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