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Plax calling t.o. a "coward"


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He was quoted as saying that T.O. was afraid to take a hit from Gibril Wilson, so he slid to the ground like he was "sliding into home plate at the world series." :LMAO::LMAO:


I don't Plax should talk like that. It's not part of the Giants to talk trash. Besides, Plax doesn't like to get hit either.. I still remember the towel tackle against Dallas last year.

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I don't think Plax should talk like that.......

Shoot, Burress talks shit EVERY game. The T.D. catch in O.T. vs the Eagles...Plax was talkin'.


...and if anybody remembers this past Monday night, him and Strahan was talkin' smack to the Dallas crowd from the sideline. Boy that Strahan look like he was sayin' "Go home Dallas fan, y'all aint shit" and Burress was echoing the same!


Plax caught that long over the shoulder pass on the Dallas sideline....and he walked right by the Dallas bench and was sayin' "Yall can't hold me!!!!".


What I am trying to say is that Plax is a shit talker like T.O. but Plax hardly flaps his gums to the press a la T.O. or Shockey.

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Shoot, Burress talks shit EVERY game. The T.D. catch in O.T. vs the Eagles...Plax was talkin'.


...and if anybody remembers this past Monday night, him and Strahan was talkin' smack to the Dallas crowd from the sideline. Boy that Strahan look like he was sayin' "Go home Dallas fan, y'all aint shit" and Burress was echoing the same!


Plax caught that long over the shoulder pass on the Dallas sideline....and he walked right by the Dallas bench and was sayin' "Yall can't hold me!!!!".


What I am trying to say is that Plax is a shit talker like T.O. but Plax hardly flaps his gums to the press a la T.O. or Shockey.


Trash talkers are not my kind of players. I always favored the Barry Sanders over the Deon Sanders. Sure with a heated rivarly it's ok to let out some steam but let's stick to facts. Plax shouldn't accuse TO of being a "coward" when he himself doesn't like to get hit (no one does.. I know)... but a football player should expect to get hit and fight for that extra yard. That's all I'm saying...


Where's Leon when you need him? Missed that smooth talking mofo...

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plax was right though...I saw TO "sliding" toward home after tha B. Short hit.

...difference is that T.O. is ALWAYS claiming he's this 'tough guy' reciever("Who can make a play?..I can!"). He's a tough receiver but in comparison to Marvin Harrison...T.O. aint that tough. Harrison nor Plax has been injured as much as the tuff one called T.O.

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I preffered Plax's trash talking to Roy Williams. When it was posed to PLAX that the ref blocked Williams path towards the ball Plax said something along the lines of that he is 250 pounds, ankle tackles in coverage because he is too slow and only gets big hits when guys are not looking. Best line though was "Williams would not have had a play on that ball if he were on a skateboard". :LMAO:

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