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Very strange. I remember at one point saying to my buddy who was watching the game with me, "The crowd is really pumped." I think it was after the turnover to start the 2nd half. However, I'm hearing a lot of people who were there, both here and on the FAN, say that the crowd was dead, that old men are telling them to sit down, that Philly fans were overrunning the place. Yet xxi, who was there, says the crowd was loud. I guess it probably depended a lot, as it does sometimes, on where you're sitting in the Stadium. You can end up in a section where the visiting fans, for whatever reason, got a larger allotment of tickets, and feel outnumbered.


Either way, I would say the Stadium in general needs a dose of energy. There definitely are the old-timers there who feel a sense of entitlement and wanna tell everybody what to do. Some of those guys need to go. It's a football game, buddy- a playoff game. You should be on your feet the whole game, or at least until the home team is helplessly out of it. I think a lot of people also, unfortunately, sell their tickets for these games, and I can't blame them all that much. Bad economy, expensive day all around, freezing cold- a lot of reasons for some of those old-timers to stay home in the warmth and watch on TV.

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My section stood the almost the entire game. Horseshit the fans were loud and when they did get quiet was after screaming their heads off for a minute on a 3rd and 20 only to see it completed for 21 and when they missed on 2 4th and shorts. What people do not understand about Giant fans I think is that we actually realize you make noise when on defense, not on offense. I was in Baltimore once and those dipshits make noise when they have the ball. The crowd was fine. I find it hysterical that people want to blame the paying customers in any way on this loss.

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My section stood the almost the entire game. Horseshit the fans were loud and when they did get quiet was after screaming their heads off for a minute on a 3rd and 20 only to see it completed for 21 and when they missed on 2 4th and shorts. What people do not understand about Giant fans I think is that we actually realize you make noise when on defense, not on offense. I was in Baltimore once and those dipshits make noise when they have the ball. The crowd was fine. I find it hysterical that people want to blame the paying customers in any way on this loss.


Well, again, I wasn't there, but lots of people are saying that it wasn't that loud, or that fans were sitting on their hands. Either way, I don't think anybody's blaming the loss on the fans, so don't get yourself too crazy about it. I can say that I've been to games where it was dead and whiny old guys were telling everybody to sit down, but then again the only game I went to this year (Seattle) the crowd was great.

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It's enough already about the fans, seriously.


I'm tired of people picking on the older fans, they've had their tickets for years and they are getting screwed with the PSL's and the new stadium. If they feel entitled, well maybe they are entitled.

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This is exactly what I have been saying for YEARS and Mike Francessa on WFAN had a segment to this on Monday.

Our home STH fans are a disgrace to the Giants and the city of New York as it pertains to being a passionate, traditional Northeast city.


In the 80s the place was rocking...but since the late 90s it gets worse year by year, and sadly wins/loses do not help.

The crowd always sounds like a tennis match...and it is awful how many "loyal" STHers sell their seats to Eagle and Cowboy fans.


You do not see this at Yankee Stadium or MSG.


I really can not stand a New York team, a big market tradition, being overrun by road fans, especially when the Giants are in Philly, they have ZERO Giants fans.

It really makes us look like an expansion team...and frankly it DOES affect the on field performance.


Why is it Eli has to go Philly and deal with hostility yet McNabb can come to New York with the red carpet?


Fuck our STHers...I hope they bleed bankrupt from the PSLs....I shed no tears.

They suck and could learn something from Eagle/Jet fans.



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Eagle fans, like Raider fans, are the scum of the earth. Giant fans...OVERALL, are the best, right up there with GB and PITT. Its the age of the STH's, like boohyah said. Also, alot of people originally from NY, have moved. So we are still cheering as loud as can be, just from somewhere else. Now, those that sell their tix to a rival, I have a problem with. But I'm sure that the age of these STH's is the problem. I too remember goin to games in the 80's, it was nuts. We were loud as hell.

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