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Mussina Question's Pavano's Desire


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this is typical mussina--calling out teammates in the media. why this guy gets a free pass in ny is a mystery to me


Seriously, Mike and the Dog just made the same point. I understand everybody is sick of Pavano's act, and Mussina is a gamer. But he hasn't won a thing since he's been a Yankee. If you're gonna call out a teammate publicly, you gotta have a track record.

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i dont think teammates should ever call each other out in the media no matter what their track record is. all it does is create a distraction and possibly divide the clubhouse. nothing good can come from it--evne if the person is correct. but yeah, he has no business saying anything, all mussina has done as a yankee is those 3 innings in the grady little game and game 3 against oakland in the jeter flip game. he's considered a successful signing? why? cuz he never gets hurt? well when you demand to be taken out of games after 100 pitches (which i find to be incredibly selfish) every single game then yeah, you're probably gonna be healthy

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Seriously, Mike and the Dog just made the same point. I understand everybody is sick of Pavano's act, and Mussina is a gamer. But he hasn't won a thing since he's been a Yankee. If you're gonna call out a teammate publicly, you gotta have a track record.


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Mussina definitely shouldn't be calling anyone out as it isn't his place to do so. He's done nothing but be painfully mediocre. Though calling out Pavano isn't even really calling out a member of the team, considering you have to play to be on the team. Plus that pussy Pavano said that the clubhouse not liking him is media driven, well apparently not you fucking dripping wet pussy.

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Pay no attention Lil sea ass, Dub is our resident bi-polar wako.


Good to hear from you VG. I see many of the same characters are still floating around this joint. I guess with baseball season rolling around i'll stop by a little more often to mix it up.


Nah, I just like swimming.


You addressed me as if we've spoken in past. Are you an old current events guy or just a nobody that i'll probably ignore?

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Chillin'. You?


Same. Ready for the season. Ready to see if...


Pavano can finally makes some starts

Igawa can hold down the 4th or 5th roatation spot and get 13-15 wins

Abreau can continue to be an on base machine

Cano can hit above .340 again

Matsui can round back into form

Pettitte's still got "it"

The young arms in the farm system can make an impact

Bernie finds a roster spot

and most of all...


If A-rod can come through in playoffs!


...among other things.

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