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Posts posted by shockjock

  1. Wouldnt' want Moss in the first. He didn't have much production for a player with his skills. The only two wideouts worth that first rounder are Chad Jackson and Santonio Holmes. If Moss were there in the second I would take him into consideration, but there are quite a few players that may be available at 25 that will be better pick than Sinorice(Deangelo Williams, Demeco Ryans, Chad Greenway, Chad Jackson, Santonio Holmes, Laurence Maroney, Bobby Carpenter, Donte Whitner, Antonio Cromartie, etc)

  2. If we can win this game than the series is right back where it started...despite my freak out after the first game, I have no yet lost hope and panic has not set in.....



    and I have a gut feeling that Jagr will play tomorrow night

  3. It's either first or not at all. No chance hes around in the second.


    and us missing out on him might be for the best. Don't really think he will amount to anything. Of course I could be wrong and he could be the next John Henderson, Marcus Stroud or Kris Jenkins....but I don't see that happening

  4. Like the first round pick a lot but I don't think he will fall to us

    Don't like the second rounder. Contrary to popular beleif on this board, we don't need a running back that badly

    Dvorcek is a good pick

    Like the fourth rounder...would give us a nice deep threat

    You would be better served to look for a linebacker at some point in your mock, rather than an offensive lineman

    Berton is a better blocking TE than people give him credit for, and would easily beat out a rookie for the 3rd TE spot(not to mention his solid special teams play). That would be a wasted pick

  5. How can you say butler has such great footwork if he ran a 5.3 forty i know that is straight line and nto agilty but consider most prospect run in the 4.9-5.2 range he is at 5.3 and you consider it great????


    anybody know the numbers on his verticle


    footwork has nothing at all to do with 40 time.


    Footwork is backpeddling and balance...40 time is pure timed speed. They have little to no correlation to each other.

    A better gauge of his footwork would be a look at his time in the cone drill......but even that is not all that good at judging an offensive lineman's footwork. The best way to gauge footwork would be through tape, not some time on a scout's stopwatch

  6. simms has michael clayton (The best rookie wr the year before) joey galloway (Pro Bowl) cadilliac williams (huge threat) and alex smith (second best TE coming out of college big target) as targets not to mention the team was like 6-0 when he took over


    This is a pretty poor argument seeing as our skill position players are far better than that of the Bucs.

  7. I'll say it right now......



    This team will be lucky to stretch it to six games....


    pathetic showing...you can't go limping into the playoffs and expect to compete....well it was a good season, we'll come back strong next year...

  8. Here's my assessment of the best and worst picks of each round. This isn't a "who's the best player, rather it's who got excellent value/addressed a need, etc,:


    1st round Best Picks:


    Titans win the lottery with Reggie Bush falling into their laps!


    Baltimore was the beneficiary of Haloti Ngata's fall


    New England nabbing Ernie Sims at 21 was pure gold.


    Indianapolis likely never thought Chad Greenway would be available for them at the end of the first round.



    Detroit - Vince Young. Young's an exciting player but he's also a project. Forget about starting him this year. The Lions may find they already have a starting grade QB in McCown. I simply don't think Detroit was in a position to gamble on a QB after the failed Harrington experiment. If they were going to take a signalcaller first round it had to be a sure thing. Young is NOT a sure thing. A+ for keeping it real though. Millen typically makes the "worst" lists on draft day. You held up your end!


    Cleveland ... I've already explained this one in detail in another thread but Manny Lawson over Ngata was a mistake.


    Oakland ... I like Bunkley but I don't like him over Ngata.


    San Diego - Jason Allen is a major injury risk. You simply can't make that gamble in the middle of round 1.


    Tampa - I'm already on record as labelling Tye Hill a bust. There are plenty of people who don't agree with me and that's fine. But this pick makes the list since he took Hill over Cromartie.


    Cincy - Darnell Bing does NOT carry a first round grade. The Bengals got too caught up in need and overlooked much more talented players.



    We shall see..... :ph34r:

  9. But where does the theory of drafting the best available player come into play? Drafting by need is all well and good and works out fine, but why pass up a better player, especially one who has been ranked much better?


    After his hamstring tear i see him falling to us...but we likely won't take him. We have far bigger needs at DT and OLB, and it is not like we would be drafting based only on needs. Players like Broderick Bunkley, Bobby Carpenter, Demeco Ryans, Chad Greenway and Ernie Simms could possibly be there for us, and all would be better picks that Lendale.


    Let's give Jacobs his chance next season. I feel that he has the size/speed combo to be very good. Give him a chance to show what he can do spelling tiki, rather than just coming in when everyone in the stadium knows its going to be a blast behind Snee...

  10. I never said it was a bad pick. I made a witty remark about the bongblower you added to your franchise. If you want to get defensive about it, that's up to you. Methinks if you're going to draft a pothead, you better be prepared to answer tougher questions than my silly comments :ph34r: For example, since you identified the obvious need the Browns have for a top notch interior lineman on defense, why would you pass over arguably the best prospect in the draft at that position in round 1? I'm not down on Manny Lawson but if I'm Cleveland and I can choose between


    DT Haloti Ngata and LB D'qwell Jackson




    DT Claude Mariwroten and LB Manny Lawson ...


    well, I know which way I'm going there.


    Not getting defensive...just thought you were insinuating that I was high when I made the pick. I took Wroten to play DE in the Brown's 3-4....not to play the interior.


    I don't feel D'qwell has the size to be an effective linebacker in the 3-4. He is too small to play the ILB position, and too small to play on the outside, so why would I take him? Haloti Ngata was my second choice behind Lawson. But the fact of the matter is that the Browns have Ted Washington, who can hold down the fort for ATLEAST a season at NT...while they have NO ONE to play OLB...


    Had trades been aloud, I would of traded down and got Lawson later on, but since they were not, I took who I felt would be the best player for the team at that point.


    Not to mention Ngata has been accused by more than one source for not going 100% on every play. Usually a red flag when it comes to defensive lineman.




    wait....why the fuck am i getting so worked up over a mock draft?

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