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Everything posted by 420

  1. 420


    Well, you called me every name in the book and told me to stay the fuck out of your thread because I posted a link to another thread that answered your question. I guess you took it personally. I was only trying to help. If you were't mad you sure fooled me.
  2. All you can ask for is consistency behind the plate. If they call it a ball/strike in the first inning it better be called the same through out the game. Last night's game the guy seemed to have a high SZ all game but Kaz's was way up there. Blowing calls on the bases is a different story. Those guys should never or rarely make a bad call.
  3. 420


    Did you ever get mad at me on Giants.com?
  4. 420


    Anything for some action, eh Floyd?
  5. So LaDuca said it not the umpire? I'd still like to know who is fucked now?
  6. I can't believe that...holy shit. Who is fucked now?
  7. Don't believe we have ever conversed but I am always happy to say hi to another Mets fan. Hi
  8. People can't say that you have absolutely nothing! After all, you have inferiority!
  9. Your thread, your job. I expect a full report in the morning.
  10. Skins-Giants-Cowboys-Eagles
  11. He was the best we've had since Simms. I always felt we had a chance to win even if he was rooted to the field. A lot of times a QB is judged by the talent that was present before he arrived. In this case he would be a god send.
  12. He likes that they have't won a SB since 1990/91.
  13. ...makes for a filthy hand.
  14. Here we go again.
  15. I saw one that said: " Barry! Move your head. We can't see the game!"
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