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Everything posted by gateb

  1. fine with me. power rankings is another story though. we gotta get our repsect there
  2. gateb

    Ollie P.

    if he can string together 3 good months, not starts, but months then we should resign him.
  3. according to our man bernazzard f-mart wouldve been called up by now if he didn't miss 60 games last year.
  4. a name i like is nelson cruz. teams like the cardinals and twins always find their ways into contention by taking highly touted players that failed with one organization and make them thrive in theirs. its about time we start applying that.
  5. Niese Heilman and Evans/Karp. im still not willing to trade fernando. if heilman goes i think kunz may be the successor. some firearm from the minors probably. as of next year we have three set starters (pelf maine and santana) so god knows we could really use a guy like niese if he is flying up as fast as he has been. would you do it?
  6. because kiwi hasn't done anything to deserve one. i guarantee you next or a year later if he explodes he'll be asking for a new deal.
  7. His peers that are around his level all just got new deals and its natural for a big time player and agent to look for deals that match it. i know you dont like this part of the game but do you at least understand that it is going to be a part of it for a while? when players out perform their contracts they are going to ask for a new one. will peterson was locked into an extension and in his second year he was cut because of an injury. were you criticizing the FO then?
  8. seriously im really worried about that one. concussions are scary stuff.
  9. the only reason that one would have a sense of optimism for the mets heading in was if everyone pitched to their abilities we had far better pitching than the phils. if these guys really are coming together as a staff, and we continue to get timely hitting we could win the NL West East. don't take this as a proclamation... its the truth.
  10. Did you play on that foot for 5 months, risk your career, and help carry your team to a SB?
  11. with the rapidly expanding league-wide cap and the normally good approach the giants take to handling the cap, i highly doubt the giants will put themselves in a fucked up state. the giants take care of their players. i love the fact our FO is being defined for that.
  12. plax also said his ankle is 90% healed. nas i dont get your bitterness towards plax. i didnt really like him that much either because of his attitude but this year he wowed me to the point where he's my favorite player.
  13. work his pitch count and hope he leaves after 7 with us trailing by only 1 or 2
  14. this guy is the modern day dave kingman.
  15. nah. in 06 when the mets started to tear up the league i was mad after the mets won a game and the yanks won it too. then i thought to myself what the fuck am i doing letting a team so irrelevant to me get me down. they do entertain me sometimes but i really dont care for them either way now.
  16. i wonder if oliver is gonna call out wagner.
  17. no i gave up hating the yanks so the sox are irrelevant for me. even though i love pedroia, youkilis, and ellsbury...
  18. i bought it but i cant get it on my ipod... pretty pissed about that. i compared everything to sports when i was little too... ive been going to games since i was 6 years old. my bread and butter was always saying during games "the giants never get any breaks." now im gonna look like an idiot whenever i do it this year.
  19. just one of the many problems with this game. how is varitek even wearing a uniform for this?
  20. well i didnt watch the game last night. my standards are pretty low at this point. you need to nitpick classifications of games now too? he pitched great, leave it at that.
  21. it's pretty clear when tynes set up for that 36 yard field goal that favre checked out mentally in the game. ive had enough of him. poor rodgers.
  22. i generally defend the players when they look for a new deal but i dont see why osis looking for a new one. he hasn't outplayed shit.
  23. i bet johan's gonna get blame for this too. two big outings in philly, two lights out ballgames.
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