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Everything posted by Iceman_NYG

  1. Dont you know that its the highlight reel that determines who gets into the Pro-Bowl? That, on-field antics and retarded fans voting. Useless people like Steve Smith who do nothing but be the go-to guy for a QB and do nothing but move the chains consistently while maintaing a low profile have no business being in the Pro-Bowl! So stop talking bullshit!
  2. He might but Storm's point is Smith doesnt need to go to the ProBowl because someone else is not playing or someone is going to the Superbowl. Smith deserves to go the Pro-Bowl as a first choice and I agree with him. He was snubbed because the overall population/fanbase is retarded with their votes. And also because he is on a non-playoff team.
  3. Welker, Moss, Smith, Rice - whoever the fuck. Did anyone ever factor this into the equation that the Giants blew big blue balls and absolutely fucking sucked ass in red zone offense??? They just couldnt fucking get the ball in and would rely on might Tynes. That might have a lot to do with it. The other teams were way more efficient in scoring. That could have something to do with it as well....just a thought
  4. Hedgecock is a bum. We need a "Mike Alstott" or a "Lorenzo Neal". He was as much a factor in making LDT who he is.
  5. Stupid thread. As a die-hard Giants fan, the entire concept of 'rooting' for the Cowboys or Eagles doesnt exist. Infact, "Root" and "Cowboys/Eagles" does not belong in the same sentence unless it includes 'never' or 'not'. I do not "root" for anybody but the Giants. But since we are out, Ill just enjoy the playoffs for what its worth and hope a decent team ala Saints or Colts or Minny win it.
  6. Exactly. Coughlin might be a good coach but he is senile and a dinosaur. And his choice of Co-ordinators is nothing short of piss-poor. One Spags goes not erase a bucket full of shit. And promoting a LB coach - the worst aspect of our defense to be a Co-ordinator was brainless move. An absolutely retarded crappy decision. Im not asking for the axe on Coughlin just yet. But the 2 Co-ordinators have to go. We need a fresh attitude.
  7. *Sigh* I wish that were possible.
  8. I agree. Thats when I had this sinking feeling too. And against Carolina - the moment Mario Mofo fumbled after getting an awesome first down on a stellar throw by Eli - I knew it was over right then but my heart wouldnt listen and thought we had a fight. Then the Tuck penalty, offsides on 3rd down put the final nail in the coffin. I think we need to go for Cowher and no matter what shoot Sheridan in the fucking face with a shotgun!
  9. I wouldnt go as far to say he gave up. He knew what his strengths were and he knew he was not being allowed to utilize his strengths. He knew that with the shitty scheme Sheridan was putting together, no matter what he did he would still be less than effective. He played to his fullest, but the scheme made him look mediocre. I think once Sheridone goes - Osi will be back as the Osi we all know him to be.
  10. I disagree Storm. Osi is one of the passionate players that we have and wants to win as much as anybody in the league. But he was forced to play under a system that didnt know how to utilize him. Spags did. Sheridan didnt know his dick from his asshole about having an effective scheme and hence he had a run-in with him even before the season began. It was obvious he was not happy playing for Sheridan. Once Sheridan goes and a decent DC - infact with the way our coaching carousel looks - DC can be rephrased into Decent Coordinators - comes in, Osi will play to his full potential.
  11. When Osi had a run-in with Sheridan even before the season began and left practice - we should have realised right then that this bum was not fit for this team. Osi always had fire and passion and wanted to win and he realised right then that Sheridan was fuck-up who was putting the wrong players in wrong positions and doing all the wrong things. If Sheridan goes, I think Osi returns to his form of 2 years back. We need to draft nothing but the best available LBer in the first round. And the best available safety in the second. The rest can be gotten in the later rounds or through free agency. How much money will Patrick Willis ask for?
  12. People - the penalties will kill us. Infact they have murdered us. Sheridan - do me a favour - DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE!! Fuck it! Storm - this is what you were talking about - and in a way Im glad. Id rather be dejected this week knowing we had no business being there rather than being dejected 2 weeks down the line thinking WHY THE FUCK AND HOW THE FUCK DID WE EVEN MAKE IT HERE?
  13. Thats my point. He comes out on seperate drives and uses the run. Damn it! Mix it up! He comes on a fresh drive, decides to use the run (I could guess that he was doing it on television, let alone the defense on the field) and then...rest is what you see. Jacobs might not have been thunder, but hey - you didnt exactly make the defense think either.
  14. Abandoning the run for a string of plays always gives me the jitters. Its too early but you know what I mean....Im getting the feeling that its going to be one of those shitty ones
  15. I dont see a good game being called on offense. I think Gilbride is going into retard mode as usual.
  16. Phew! Atleast just a FG. What should have been 7 ended up as 0. What should have been 0 ended up as 3. The math is not giving me a good feeling.
  17. The cuntworthy fumble and the most untimely penalty ever by Tuck - ON MOTHERFUCKING 3rd DOWN! is giving me a very uneasy feeling. The usual - we play very well but we soil ourselves at the most improbably times - outgain the opposition 1000-100 but lost because you were retards at the wrong time. COME THE FUCK ON!!!
  18. I agree Storm. But Im pretty sure incase any player feels he is not able to give his 100% the team knows that midway he can be, will be, should be and ought to be replaced by someone else = back up. All Im saying the the premise of this thread which began with WTF WTF WTF!! THE SKY IS FALLLING!!! THE UNIVERSE IS DOOMED! WE HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE ON PROBABLE!!!!" was a little overboard. Thats all. Lets just hope we get a win and so do the Skins
  19. Relax. They are all probable. Not questionable. By rules, I guess they'd rather put people on Probable list instead of them being put as healthy and being a last minute scratch. Its common and normal. Do not unnecessarily get your panties in a bunch. They will win this one. Lets hope the Skins kick some Brokeback Gayboys ass!
  20. Decent article but a bit of a stretch. The reason the Colts and Saints are where they are is because of their QBs who are also invaluable to them. And in that scenario - the record dictates. Eli is supremely valuable to this team, but stats and record unfortunately skew the MVP race.
  21. Our players pull a hammy while brushing their teeth or jerking off. The S&C bullshit has been our problem for quite a while now. That bum, Sinorice Moss, pulled his hammy coming out of his mother's cunt and has been in that situation ever since. I dont care if we win the SB, Sheridan has to go and we need fresher greener options at DC. IMO OC too, but I dont think Ill get too much support there.
  22. I dont anybody was eligible and anybody was a receiver. They were all fucktards soiling themselves on the field with that repeat call. They should all have been illegal and grassers! The NFL should actually fine Zorn and the Redskins for putting that fuckall play on display. COME ON! THIS IS THE NFL! What were those douchebags thinking. Zorn is a putz!
  23. "Outscore and Outclassed by the Chargers & Cardinals"?? I think thats a real reach. We actually outplayed them those 2 teams the entire game. Just that a couple bone headed decisions, penalties or mistakes cost us that W. I wouldnt by any means call those games outclassed. Eagles & Saints I agree. But not the Chargers and Cardinals. Our execution was perfect in the last game. If we can continue with that fire, the NFC is wideopen if we make it to the playoffs.
  24. Im still not sold on this guy. He is only one 'bad draw play on 3rd and 5 with the game on the line in the playoffs' away from being beheaded. Good game tonight though. BTW - That fake field goal shit - is it possible that that was quite possibly the shittiest - i mean the absolute shittiest - play Ive ever seen in the history of the NFL?
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