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so-cal dub

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Everything posted by so-cal dub

  1. If not for Swish's walk off, we would have lost 6 in a row. Are we turning into the Padres? Are you fucking kidding me?
  2. Im in Jersey at this moment.
  3. Why dont you just start Mo tomorrow? Fucking dipshit asshole sorry fucking manager!
  4. spiller has no line, while Johnson is Schaubs man. That would be so lopsided. I'll trade you M.Williams(Tampa) for Spiller. He's supposed to be a playmaker and possible NFC ROY.
  5. I say we start a party line like in the 80s.
  6. Ahhh...Is that how that works? Well nevermind then...fucker.
  7. No one was hurt? Yet 4 people died... um
  8. Im really starting to wonder why I purchase the Sunday ticket, when for the last 4 years it seems the Giants game is on in LA almost every week...
  9. Oh thats precious... the website has pick of Reby. I'll ask her if she ok'ed that.
  10. Quick, everyone hop on a plane and head to Tampa! Thats the place to be for Giants games I hear.
  11. I'm in town, wanted to go then couldn't, then was told to go but I cant stiff my aunt for money with her being in the hospital and all. Though she'll probably be pissed I didnt go. She gave me a credit card to do as I please, but I'm no longer the 19 year old asshole I used to be. I feel bad though because Golfy has been helping me out with how to get there and take transit and whatnot. I was gonna purchase tickets where he is but I caved in. I want my aunt home before I take off for a day, as thats the whole reason I'm here. By the looks of things, I'll probably be in NJ for another month so theres a few more games I might plan for. This time with ample time to get the shit situated.
  12. Nem is working on it. My vote is Other. I say we all owe Wiz a little credit
  13. I hope Goff turns into Mike Singletary (the player not the coach), and all this MLB doubt is vanished for 10 years.
  14. The Polynesian players started it and the blacks felt left out.
  15. Is this going to be on NFLnet or am I staring at gamecast tonight?
  16. This team sucks!!!! We're going -3 and 19 this year! Fuckit who's the #1 prospect nest years draft?
  17. lmao... "He's a bi-racial angel!"
  18. I think wiggers are even a slight step above them.
  19. C'mon fellas, the dog is a person you're all talking about.
  20. Girardi can call the pen a mess all he wants, but he sure as shit doesnt help.
  21. ...could get batters out? F*&^ S^%@ C@CK SU@%$!!
  22. ...used to be able to pitch? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
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