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Everything posted by Storm

  1. Actually, I was. I dont know anything about any big band instrument. Homie. I play like Steve Vai!
  2. You said I was a band geek, completely wrong. The only kind of band I'd associate myself with his my METAL band, hell yah! Also, I live no where close to a suburb of anything. And by the way, it's not like I said you were skeet skeet skeeting all over Plaxico(which you are), homie and dome are common slang. Sorry brohan. Besides, how would you know if I were black or white anyway, you skeet skeet skeeting over pictures of me? You sure follow me around being gay enough. I can't wait until we get a wide receiver that will actually step up, but I guess thats what we got Shockey for. I got nothing against Shockey. Only Slacksico. Who should be having 10 receptions, 140 yards, and a TD every game at 6 5 with his talent. But no, tiny cornerbacks like Anthony Henry, Terrence Newman and Fernando Bryand shut his ass dowwwwwwwn.
  3. YAH! So let's play him when we could have anyone else in there! And even if they weren't effective, neither is Plaxico. But, E-Town, you committed a cardinal sin around here...dont doubt Slacksico. Even if he IS about to disappear in the last 6 games we have. Well, playoffs, too.
  4. I've heard of ebonics, but homie and dome left that area years and years and years ago. You're right, I know nothing about football. But at least I don't blindly defend my teams "Superstars" despite their many flaws. And no, I only know how to play guitar. Something that's cool. I was a baseball superstar, holmes.
  5. I guess he was hurt the previous years after week eight, too.
  6. Was that the second half of the season in which he inevitably falls apart...every year? I didn't realize that dome was black slang. I also didn't realize that slang was limited to race. You ignorant bastard.
  7. And you're just now getting in on giving Plax dome, homie. Tree has said it before. Hence, I was talking to Tree. I've been shit talking Slacksico ever since he started doing nothing the second half of the year two seasons ago(I really dont care about his Pittsburgh days when Hines Ward outshined him into accepting a meager contract compared to what he and his agent was asking for). Nothing in the playoffs. Nothing against good teams when we need him to be (as in, the second half of the season). All I hear about from Tree is how his TD number will get him into the Pro Bowl. That may or may not be true, I understand TD is by far THE most important stat, but if your Number One falls off every year, you cant EVER expect a guy like that to make the Pro Bowl. And by the way, no one gives a shit about the Pro Bowl, anyway. The fans vote in their favorite players. And besides, if the fans ain't talking about the player halfway through the season, he aint gonna be voted in!
  8. AGAIN, you're missing my point. It'd be nice to have a consistent number 1 wide receiver for a change. Not Slacksico Burress.
  9. haha, yah because that's the basis of my whole point. fact is, Plaxico sucks in the second half of the season. Or against any good team. Definitely not a Pro Bowl caliber player.
  10. wow, i've never heard a more gay nickname for an awesome player. poor dude.
  11. ...I dont think we have anywhere near the best RB corps....the Jags have way better backs.
  12. I'm sorry you realize you're wrong, darsh.
  13. LMAO. Big deal. And btw, the Skins signed him off our practice squad, right? So we didnt LET him go. We just didnt want to be retarded and actually sign him to a contract.
  14. who the hell is AD? You mean Adrian Peterson....? Their defense isnt bad...I sure as hell hope they don't have Darren Sharper. He's a Giant killer.
  15. Why is Chase Blackburn still on the team? God forbid Pierce gets injured! His exclusivity sucks and most likely, even if Pierce were to go down, Wilkinson and Torbor would get the nod over someone with barely any athleticism.
  16. Plaxico is just going through that last 8 weeks of the season where he sucks. He's gone through it every year of his career.
  17. A Pro Bowl wide receiver should be able to beat the double coverage, anyway. Oh wait...
  18. but i feel we get way too conservative in the second half...
  19. Yah, unfortunately, the season doesn't end after 8 weeks.
  20. The one on Boss was the one that was definitely a hold. If a player's running at you, you can't step back and use the man's momentum to drag him to the ground. All he had to do was not shy away from contact.
  21. he's gotta show up for games first, dude...that means actually getting open and making receptions.
  22. Burress isn't going to break 1000 yards, nor will he come close to 70 receptions. You have to be the total package, homeboy.
  23. And, if we did get pressure, Romo simply escaped the rush towards one of the sidelines. Unfortunately, Tuck, Strahan, and Umenyiora can only rush upfield. They have no pursuit left and right. Our pass rush was pathetic against the Cowboys.
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