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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. A 38 year old Tom Coughlin
  2. Golden is in the $15 million range and you can forget about a 3 year contract, going for 6. Remmers is around $8-10 million.
  3. No surprises yet. Doubt Solder gets cut and would be surprised if Remmers gets another one year deal to stay. After the 2018 season the Giants have been very clear about how much they do not care about dead money counting towards the cap. I'm sure there are some tough cuts coming, these two were easy.
  4. None of them which is why I don't get worked up about mock drafts and who we draft or don't draft, sign or don't sign. Gettleman thinks Williams is an asset to build the team on, that is all that matters and how that works out falls on Gettleman. Gettleman thinks he got someone worth two draft picks and that is all that matters. If Gettleman is a bad GM, he'll be replaced. I think he has gotten more right than wrong.
  5. I could have brought up the Giants trade to pick up Andre Baker, I brought up Eli Manning because he is been in the news lately with his retirement and was thinking about his career. Giants traded their Second round, Fourth and Fifth round picks to move back into the First round for Andre Baker. I'm not an NFL GM, are you? Neither of us are qualified since you know as much as I do. Reason I don't care about those draft picks is because it was never my decision in the first place. Mara, Tisch, and Gettleman never call me, I would have told them to hold to our picks and bring in Leonard Williams after letting the market set his value. I don't think they called you either.
  6. If they thought Williams was going to be the difference in how the season turned out, they couldn't have been more wrong. I think they were already looking to 2020 when they made the deal for Williams. Most of the problems with the defense was in the secondary and still are. We talk about pass rush around here but who's getting to the QB in 2 seconds on any team regularly?
  7. This has to play out for a while longer before we can determine this is a lose/lose situation. I remember Albert Haynesworth, had two really good seasons for the Titans then the Redskins signed him in the off-season to a massive contract at the time. This is what I'm thinking about and the situation we need to avoid. I could care less about two draft picks, Giants have wasted entire drafts the last few years.
  8. I haven't seen a single quote from Gettleman or anyone with that idea being the reason the Giants brought in Leonard Williams.
  9. It was two different writers so they see Carter from two different aspects. They both want Carter to have one role instead of two and disagree on which one of the two is more important and the role Carter would be better at. Lorenzo Carter is not a bad player, if we two of him on the roster we would send one into coverage and the other after the passer.
  10. I think the problem is the Giants need a guy who can play in coverage and a guy who can rush the passer. Carter can do both but at the expense of getting very good at one of them. I can see where the writers point out his lack of pass rushing moves as a clear problem. If he spends more time rushing the passer, he will develop more moves and refine his technique. I would like to see Carter developed for his coverage skills over his pass rushing ability. This should move him to the inside linebacker role.
  11. When Lorenzo Carter was in college they had him doing both. When he was drafted, nobody was sure which one he could do better. Here is another article to consider: https://www.si.com/nfl/giants/film/why-lorenzo-carter-might-be-a-good-fit-at-inside-linebacker Problem sounds like he still can't do either one better.
  12. All in the past, can't be changed. What can be changed is where Leonard Williams plays going forward. Giants haven't signed Leonard Williams yet so nobody knows what he will sign for and where. I'd rather the Giants had traded for him and choose not to keep him over signing him long term and then realizing they overpaid for him and have that contract impacting the team for years to come. Nobody in their right mind is sitting here thinking about the draft picks the Giants gave up when they traded for Eli Manning. Nobody will be thinking about the two draft picks the Giants traded away for Leonard Williams five years from now. Personally I think Gettleman has gotten more right than wrong and don't waste time thinking about what he got wrong.
  13. It is amazing to me that this is an issue. Giants won 4 games and this is what fans are hung up on.
  14. I don't think it is going to be a good thing for Brady. He should retire and so should Rivers & Roethlisberger.
  15. That depends heavily on the results of the next 6 months. If the Giants have a losing record for the month of September, nearly every fan is going to see this as another year of failure in a series with no end in sight. I wasn't a big fan of McAdoo, liked Shurmur and also like Judge. I think Judge can deliver because so far he has me believing he is a younger Tom Coughlin.
  16. I don't care how many Giants were pro bowlers in any time span. Only thing that matters is wins and super bowl wins.
  17. I think there will be some more disappointment with the Giants first round draft choice this year than usual. Both sides of the ball need help, blue chip offensive tackles are very hard to find and we need at least 1 this year. Defense needs a star and the Giants being in a solid position to draft a star linebacker for the first time decades. Then we have the third choice of moving down the board and picking up an additional draft pick or two. I'd prefer one this year over next year just to move this team forward sooner rather than later.
  18. And Daniel Jones was a second rounder this time last year we would not even consider drafting because of our last Duke experience. There are about 3-4 players for the Giants in mock drafts at the moment.
  19. Darius Slayton is the guy at the moment, he'll have to build on it next season to secure it.
  20. There is a possibility of this trade happening and there will be a dozen more potential trades talked about over the next few months. Players are going to drop and rise for the next couple of months at every position.
  21. Really curious to see what kind of team takes the field in September. Aside from the holdovers and Jason Garrett, left thinking who are these guys?
  22. I was skimming over how the former Detroit Lions GM regrets not drafting Aaron Donald. Giants drafted Odell Beckham Jr. and Aaron Donald was drafted next. I have to say that I'm still happy the Giants did draft Odell Beckham Jr even though it didn't work out the way any of us expected.
  23. Good for him Giants better sign a capable backup during the off-season, a very cheap one.
  24. Strange that I'm pointing out that Jason Garrett does not sound like a Joe Judge hire but a John Mara hire. Judge has hired a couple coaches out of the AFC East so far and coaches he is familiar with. Does hiring the former head coach of an NFC East rival help the Giants when you think about how well the rest of the division knows Jason Garrett's play calling tendencies? I'm glad Judge kept a couple of coaches and just looking forward to seeing what kind of team he puts on the field in September.
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