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Everything posted by RandolphScott

  1. That's because he can barely speak English. Worry about your malcontent in Gary Sheffield. Why, he isn't a free agent in 2010?
  2. Too bad that isnt the question.
  3. Rey Ordonez who couldn't hit a lick, will always be the best defensive short stop in New York history. Jeter is very good defensively, but for a long time, he wasn't even the best shortstop in his division.
  4. No, I don't. Willie will over use Roberto Hernandez again this year, like he always does with his bullpen and I think Oliver Perez is a piece of shit.
  5. When you make a trade for the sake of making a trade, thats when you lose.
  6. Who cares if Anderson Hernandez has the Mets defensive play of the year, it was in April! Face it, the guy is going to be a career AAAA players. Alay Soler was exposed in the Yankee game, he is terrible.
  7. Young talent? Put down the crack pipe. Anderson Hernandez couldn't unseat Kaz Matsui when he came back from his injury. Alay Soler proved to flat out suck balls when put to the test.
  8. HAHA, thats funny. Is Saebean trying to make up for the Pierzynski disaster?
  9. When, Matsui and Sheffield come back, you would rather Melky play right field than Shef?
  10. On any other team, he should bat 2nd, his nack for getting on base would do that, but Jeter is that guy. So I`d say he bats 5th and when Sheffield comes back, he drops to 6th.
  11. No way Zito signs with Boston, he isn't a power lefty, he would get eaten alive at Fenway especially if he can't locate his curve.
  12. Abreu doesn't strike out alot. Look at his OBP%
  13. Aww. How come you never heard this kind of bitching from Met fans when the Red Sox were a .550 team and the Blue Jays, Orioles and Devil Rays were equally as bad as the Marlins, Nationals and Phillies?
  14. Yeah, that game was so important, even A-Rod showed up for it! Actually up until that point, I don't remember, my team is too busy winning the division.
  15. Do it, right now. I`ll tell Omar next time I see him.
  16. It's pretty simple, you might get 3 or 4 plays to you (unless your a catcher or firstbase man) all you do is stand in left field, eat sunflower seeds and drink gatorade. And THEN you get to sit down.
  17. You weren't one those people who wanted a bear, right?
  18. Do you have any idea how many kids I saw in a white David Wright shirt today? I was the guy who broke up the boxes at Gate B, I switched from the Picnic Area once it started to rain.
  19. Dude, no way, I was working at Gate B today.
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