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Glavine's Season, Life in Jeopardy.

Blue Jeans

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The New York Daily News is reporting in its Sunday editions that Tom Glavine's health and his season are in jeopardy, what could be a huge blow to the pitcher as well as to the Mets' hopes of reaching the World Series. Sources told the newspaper that the southpaw has had coldness in a finger on his pitching hand, and that the cause of the condition is not yet known.

The Mets announced that Glavine will address the media at 11:45 a.m. ET to discuss the issue.


The 287-game winner is schedule for a CT scan Monday, and an angiogram is planned for Wednesday, according to the newspaper.


The Daily News reports doctors are unsure whether the problem is related to a blood clot or possibly a "knot" in an artery near his left shoulder. Depending on the diagnosis, Glavine could miss little time or the remaineder of the season. The "knot" could require invasive surgery, while a clot might be able to be dissolved and limit the time lost.


Reached last night by the newspaper, Glavine's agent, Gregg Clifton, said he could confirm that "diagnostic tests" are planned for this week, but he declined to elaborate.


Mets spokesman Jay Horwitz said he was unable to provide any details to the newspaper, and he would not acknowledge a medical issue.


A teammate aware of the situation also declined to discuss what he knew with the newspaper. "I would get in a lot of trouble for that," he said.



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What the hell are we gonna do now? :furious:


a rotation full of Sept. Call-ups until October. Hopefully everything goes well and he can get back for October and not risk his life. But without him we'd have to fight for 2 spots in the playoff rotation with Pedro (if healthy) being the only cornerstone. This could severely damage our year.

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I have a feeling we're going to be in for a very active off-season...


We'll need to have one.


Pedro is a number 2 starter at best at this point in his career. We need to put up the $$$ for Zito, who I think could win another Cy Young with Rick in the NL. If we don't get an accomplished set-up man type reliever I think Heilman should stay in the pen... I don't think we will so I am guessing it will be 7-8-9 of Heilman-Duaner-Wagner. Sign a guy like Gil Meche of Seattle, a FA who put up good numbers and is a middle of the rotation guy. The last 2 come from the farm teams, and should do well enough Zito-Pedro-Meche-Maine/Bannister/Pelfrey/Perez/Humber... and we'll probably acquire a guy mid-season. LF and 2B is important, Floyd is gone, that frees up cash. Omar likes Carlos Lee and would have to put up $$$ for him but who knows. Soriano could play second, but not if we get Lee... Marcus Giles comes to mind.


What I really hope is somehow they get Willy Mo from the Sox for a package of prospects and have a Pena-Beltran-Milledge-Chavez outfield next year, passing on Soriano and Lee giving us money to work with during the season.

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Isn't Dye an FA also? I wouldn't mind giving a look at him.


I see us getting Zito for sure. When Omar has gone after someone, he has gotten htem nearly everytime with the exception of Delgado who he got a year later. So I have faith that Omar will be willing to dish the big bucks for guys like Zito.


I would love to have a guy like Pena in the outfield splitting time with Chavez. Call me crazy but I want Lastings to be our everyday OF next year. I have a feeling we're going to see a new player.


That would be a very nice pen and I think Roberto Hernandez is still under contract too, so if he continues to pitch well that would be an added bonus.


Luckily for us, other teams have big issues with their pitching too and we have as much hitting as any team in the NL. So let's not think this far ahead. However, if we go to the WS, we're getting our asses kicked :(

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Luckily for us, other teams have big issues with their pitching too and we have as much hitting as any team in the NL. So let's not think this far ahead. However, if we go to the WS, we're getting our asses kicked :(


But, a pennant is closer than 15 other NL teams got. Ya gotta believe.

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But, a pennant is closer than 15 other NL teams got. Ya gotta believe.

If we win it this year, then it is a fact that we were destined to win it.


All we could hope for is we have an on series and the AL team has an off one.


I would prefer to play Detroit...

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If we win it this year, then it is a fact that we were destined to win it.


All we could hope for is we have an on series and the AL team has an off one.


I would prefer to play Detroit...


Tigers or A's for me... but you gotta think.












Tough choice, but the A's are a little less of a team without the Big Hurt and the NL games should help us there.

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If we win it this year, then it is a fact that we were destined to win it.


All we could hope for is we have an on series and the AL team has an off one.


I would prefer to play Detroit...



Tigers or A's for me... but you gotta think.












Tough choice, but the A's are a little less of a team without the Big Hurt and the NL games should help us there.



We gotta win the National League first fellas. Could be a tough road if Pedro and Glavin aren't right.

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We gotta win the National League first fellas. Could be a tough road if Pedro and Glavin aren't right.


We think ahead and we shouldn't. We havn't even won the division yet. (See Magic Number thread.)

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Funny thing is, if you asked me at the beginning of the season I would have said I was happy with making the playoffs. Now my expectations are higher, but I hear people on ESPN radio saying if the mets don't win the series, the season is a disappointment.


I think thats a little crazy. We still have a young team and are built for the long term. I will be disappointed if we don't make a strong run for a championship, but I will still call this a successful season as long as we win the division, and don't totally lay an egg in the post season.

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Do not worry Met fans. Be positive. Glavine will have the tests done and he will be fine. Why am I so positive, you ask? Because.........



I told you guys not to worry. I am taking full credit for healing Glavine. If Blue Jeans can get credit for Milledge's performance because he talked to Chavez the other day, then I am taking credit for Glavine's good news. Show me some love. :TU:


Come to think of it, I'd like an appreciation thread in my honor. Thanks. :)

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