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It's been talked to death: but why so much love for Collins?

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I'm not trying to be a jerk, but what's the deal?


For every good game Collins had, he had a disasterous one. He holds the record for fumbles in a season, and that doesn't include his interceptions for that year; he was a sitting duck in the pocket, and if anyone got around the LT, the ball was hitting the ground. If he scrambled in the red zone, the ball was going to be intercepted. I actually sat there during games and called his fumbles and ints. I even called his fumble during the Raider game last year.


I'm not saying he's the worst QB ever to play in a game for the Giants ("Dandy" Randy Dean holds that title), but I wouldn't hold him in the same esteem as a Phil Simms or YA Tittle, either. I think he was a mediocre player during a time when most QBs coming out of college were sub-par (Besides Farve and McNair, name great QBs in the 90's that weren't finishing their career--I'll even give you Aikman, because his career finished earlier than it should have).


I understand how bad our QBs were in the mid/late-90's. But really, what does that have to do with Collins' play? If you are using that logic, then you need to hold Phil Simms in higher regard than Joe Montana, because I would definitely take Brown, Graham, and Kanell over Pisarcik, Golsteyn, and Dean.


Again, I'm not trying to trash the man, he did play his best for us, but I really don't understand why his pedestal is so high.

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I'm not trying to be a jerk, but what's the deal?


For every good game Collins had, he had a disasterous one. He holds the record for fumbles in a season, and that doesn't include his interceptions for that year; he was a sitting duck in the pocket, and if anyone got around the LT, the ball was hitting the ground. If he scrambled in the red zone, the ball was going to be intercepted. I actually sat there during games and called his fumbles and ints. I even called his fumble during the Raider game last year.


I'm not saying he's the worst QB ever to play in a game for the Giants ("Dandy" Randy Dean holds that title), but I wouldn't hold him in the same esteem as a Phil Simms or YA Tittle, either. I think he was a mediocre player during a time when most QBs coming out of college were sub-par (Besides Farve and McNair, name great QBs in the 90's that weren't finishing their career--I'll even give you Aikman, because his career finished earlier than it should have).


I understand how bad our QBs were in the mid/late-90's. But really, what does that have to do with Collins' play? If you are using that logic, then you need to hold Phil Simms in higher regard than Joe Montana, because I would definitely take Brown, Graham, and Kanell over Pisarcik, Golsteyn, and Dean.


Again, I'm not trying to trash the man, he did play his best for us, but I really don't understand why his pedestal is so high.



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Getting a team to a SB (schedule not withstanding) holds a lot of weight with any fanbase.


Collins is worthy of selective esteem because he flashed with greatness, you needn't look to the MInnesota game, just look to our Monday night against Dallas two season ago when the entire offense played poorly (due in large part to an unnecessary rearrangement of the OL that season).


No KC is not a great player, but he could have been and if you're a football fan sometimes you have to learn to love players. I mean really, Tiki was a work in progress and nobody loved, loved him a few years back...he too just seemed like he had a lot of promise.

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Getting a team to a SB (schedule not withstanding) holds a lot of weight with any fanbase.


Collins is worthy of selective esteem because he flashed with greatness, you needn't look to the MInnesota game, just look to our Monday night against Dallas two season ago when the entire offense played poorly (due in large part to an unnecessary rearrangement of the OL that season).


No KC is not a great player, but he could have been and if you're a football fan sometimes you have to learn to love players. I mean really, Tiki was a work in progress and nobody loved, loved him a few years back...he too just seemed like he had a lot of promise.


I can understand what you're saying, Gspotter. I'll even agree with you, in that he did flash. But I spent more Sundays frustrated with him than not, and never felt the confidence with the team that I had this past year with him at the helm.

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I've seen it on the GMB, BBI...not necessarily here. But there seems to be a lot of Giants fans on a whole that think he was the greatest.


He was the best we've had since Simms. I always felt we had a chance to win even if he was rooted to the field. A lot of times a QB is judged by the talent that was present before he arrived. In this case he would be a god send.

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if anything i think collins got a bum rap in this town and on these boards--just like fassel. but that can be attributed to the steinbrennerization of ny sports fans

I was going to ask "How so?" until I realized that you were going to bring up his "even seasons," just like I brought up his "odd seasons." ;)


That's really another reason he drove me crazy: he could actually play very well, but the things in which he was bad, he was very bad.


Again, I'm not saying he shouldn't be respected for what he did, I just think that the regard that he is held at by some fans is higher than what he actually achieved.

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He was the best we had since Simms. Not that different of a player, but the system was different.


Obviously, his record wasn't quite the same, but as I mentioned, he did get us to the big game and had he won that one, we'd all be singing a different song.


As it goes, now we're onto Eli, a guy who I'm sure has a long way to go...KC did take the Panthers far early on.


I'm not partisan and i don't miss the Collins years, but it's mighty hard to find a good (no less great) QB.

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I only recall one guy on one board who defended everything Collins did. Besides that I'd say he got harshly criticized by Giants Nation.


Collins was never a worldbeater but he did bring stability to the position for us. A position that had been in flux for almost a decade. Think of Jake Plummer in Denver. Broncos fans have hated every guy that's lined up under center since Elway. Plummer finally brought elevated play to the position. However he still isn't world class so while he's been an upgrade, he's still criticized as he makes the same mistakes repeatedly, similar to the way Collins did.


Kerry Collins .... good, not great. Needed protection to succeed but if given time to throw ... watch out. Very similar to Drew Bledsoe.

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