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To date we've given up 208 pts


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an average of 23 per game


we are horrific in the red zone on D


And you guys are worried we lost captain courageous? Please


We have a lot of talent on D.........this 23 per game should NOT be happening


you have to blame the D Co-ordinator and his QB- Pierce


Maybe we should let Sheridan go sit up in the box as he wanted.........he sure as hell is not doing well cheer-leading from the bench


at seasons end here should be a league wide search for a co-ordinator who knows what he's doing.........maybe a HC too


Pierce is done......he cannot come back this year at all.............. nor next without surgery, and his contract is up


I'll remember the time he split the blockers in Green Bay and wish him well........maybe he can get a job as a coach on the sidelines somewhere, but not likely......his lockeroom behavior with the horn and hiding the gun were not coach like behavior.........

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ATL has been a tough game for us. i think they said the last 10 home teams in this series lost. i remember the end of the fassel era we lost to them at home with a QB named Cody or something. So to come out with a win against this team and after 4 losses is great.

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ATL has been a tough game for us. i think they said the last 10 home teams in this series lost. i remember the end of the fassel era we lost to them at home with a QB named Cody or something. So to come out with a win against this team and after 4 losses is great.



2002- Doug Johnson

2003- Kurt Kittner

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ATL has been a tough game for us. i think they said the last 10 home teams in this series lost. i remember the end of the fassel era we lost to them at home with a QB named Cody or something. So to come out with a win against this team and after 4 losses is great.



Atlanta's a tough team


They can beat anyone.....we were fortunate to put these guys in the rearview mirror


Blackburn will improve week after week, the Dline will get their act together, the DBs seem to be improving


we must improve against a tough schedule week by week but its do-able with all the talent we have on this roster


it was nice to see the young receivers re-emerge yesterday

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