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I'm sick of this shit.

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Fucking Extra Innings is a joke, I work second shit, 3 - 11 pm, and have weekends off, and they don't show games during the days on Saturdays.. I know Fox has the rights to play how ever many games on Saturdays, but why can't they figure something out where in whatever market a game is not being shown on Fox, it can be played on extra innings? I'm paying $40 a month and not seeing any fucking games.

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Sigh. At least they show everything in HD with Extra Innings. Center Ice shows one game a day in HD and that's a damn shame.


But honestly, how difficult should it be to simply have every game available?


Sigh. Sorry, dude.

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If i could find work down there, I'd love to move there and get season tix.

Well, you could probably get season tix for less than a single game nosebleed seat at the new Yankees stadium.

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