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Painfully Obvious...Osi Was Missed


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No question the loss of Osi was a major factor for the downward trajectory of the Giants.

Once Fred Robbins got hurt, the Giants had no other major force besides Tuck who could pressure the QB.

Kiwi did not have a great year...and Tuck with those double teams was clearly getting tired and banged up.


Add into the loss of Strahan and Mitchell (who sucked at coverage but could blitz) and you have lost THREE major pass rushing forces while adding just Kiwi.

We had very poor depth on the DL...and reinforcements from the LB spot for pass rushing were no existent.


I think the cumulative talent loss of Osi/Strahan/Mitchell/Plaxico was far too great a void.

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Kiwi overall was disappointing.

I think it is clear he is a #3 DL...he is depth...but push came to shove he could not protect Tuck.

It's tough to judge. He spent the whole off-season working out as an LB then the week before the season he's asked to move to DE. He did better then anyone else would have on the roster and that's all you could've really asked for.


If he works out to be a DE for 09 and gets in a rotation with Osi and tuck he can be a dynamic 3rd rusher

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gateb is right about kiwi. his playing weight was 15 lbs less than what it was when he was a DE his rookie year. he got into linebacker shape and was not big enough to handle OLs this season. the poor guy gets moved around so much, i hope he settles into his permanent role next year--whateer that may be

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It's tough to judge. He spent the whole off-season working out as an LB then the week before the season he's asked to move to DE. He did better then anyone else would have on the roster and that's all you could've really asked for.


If he works out to be a DE for 09 and gets in a rotation with Osi and tuck he can be a dynamic 3rd rusher



He played the run better than I expected also, he's a good player with the possibility to become

a great one...but he gets moved around way too much.

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He's not a FA till 2011, he signed a 5 year contract when the Giants drafted him.

He's got one more year till his contract year. The Giants usually like to lock up their studs during the second to last year of their deal.

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