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What is your opinion of Washington after the season? You cannot blame a manager for the situation. They spent so much on ARod but are not spending since. It is not like Hicks doesn't have money.

Please do not ge me started on that son of a cunt Hicks.



My opinion on Washington? Well, new philosiphy and all that, last year was a throw away season, though the start to last season was unacceptable.


Jon Daniels also set the team back a couple years with some bone headed moves, but he is young and learning and I really think he'll be a good general manager, the shit he pulled off last year was amazing.


Now, for Washington, his selling point was defense in the infield, yet in his second year so far we have got to be last in the american league in fielding percentage. Our defense has actually cost us a game or two already.


Our bats have been quiet so far, and it's not for a lack of quality hitters, things may change when the weather warms up though, we've also faced some pretty good pitching thus far.



All in all, I can't say I'm impressed with him, I'm not saying he should be fired after this season if we repeat last years results (I reserve the right to change my mind later) but the only thing that has improved from last year is the pitching. Millwood has been awesome (3 quality starts and like a 1.29 era), Padilla has been good even though he got a little roughed up yesterday, Jennings hasn't been great, but not terrible, Gabbard has been really good. So if the pitching holds and the defense learns to catch and throw, we should be a solid team. This same basic infield was a top line defense under Showalter (if I remember correctly) and our middle infield right now is not good defensivly. Now, I'm not sure how many are throwing errors, so not having Tex in there at first may be a big contributing factor, but still.

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