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Roger Clemens


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What is with the angry tone at the press conference yesterday? He isn't going to win any hearts back with that attitude. Now he says he does not care about Hall of Fame votes. Maybe he took a shot in the ass before the press conference. He plays that tape and that didn't justify him and he just walks out in anger.

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What about Barry? I was sick of that too, and believe I've said the same shit. He did it, we know it, case closed.

I don't recall you ever making a post like that until the Mitchell report, but I remember a lot of posts in threads discussing Barry where * were posted and tainted and cheater etc.

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I don't recall you ever making a post like that until the Mitchell report, but I remember a lot of posts in threads discussing Barry where * were posted and tainted and cheater etc.

Yeah, his single season mark and his all time mark. You want to asterisk the 2000 Yanks for one guy juicing? Shit, there would be a grip of teams in the 90's with asterisks in that case.


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Yeah, his single season mark and his all time mark. You want to asterisk the 2000 Yanks for one guy juicing? Shit, there would be a grip of teams in the 90's with asterisks in that case.

Now we're getting to the point. If roids helped someone break a record, and thus an asterisk be placed in the record book, then by all rights if steroids helped a team/teams win a world series, then an asterisk should be placed next to that accomplishment as well.


Fair is fair, if Bonds' record is tainted, then any team that accomplished anything singnificant that has been "proven" to have had juicers on that team is tainted as well.


I don't wanna an * spread over the whole era like some have said, because thats takes the spotlight away from the guilty parties. The Yanks cheated there way to titles no less than Bonds cheated his way to the record book.



Any team that won a title that has prominant players listed on the Mitchell report gets an asterisk.






PS - 1 guy? You serious Dub?

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Now we're getting to the point. If roids helped someone break a record, and thus an asterisk be placed in the record book, then by all rights if steroids helped a team/teams win a world series, then an asterisk should be placed next to that accomplishment as well.


Fair is fair, if Bonds' record is tainted, then any team that accomplished anything singnificant that has been "proven" to have had juicers on that team is tainted as well.


I don't wanna an * spread over the whole era like some have said, because thats takes the spotlight away from the guilty parties. The Yanks cheated there way to titles no less than Bonds cheated his way to the record book.

Any team that won a title that has prominant players listed on the Mitchell report gets an asterisk.

PS - 1 guy? You serious Dub?

Pettitte used HGH(not steroids) once during rehab. Giambi, wasnt on the team during any titles.


Besides, those are titles held by a team, not any one person. Starting pitchers show up maybe 5 times a month. Get off of it. You and McQueer can high five each other all you like, it aint happening.

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Pettitte used HGH(not steroids) once during rehab. Giambi, wasnt on the team during any titles.


Besides, those are titles held by a team, not any one person. Starting pitchers show up maybe 5 times a month. Get off of it. You and McQueer can high five each other all you like, it aint happening.


The 2000 Yankees in the WS started Clemens, Pettite, El Duque and Neagle. 3 of the 4 were named in the Mitchell report, along with Mike Stanton(who cheated as a Met too) Glenallen Hill, Jose Canseco, Chuck Knoblauch and of course admitted user Jim Leyritz. I am not saying the Mets deserve anything, they probably had as many guys juicing as well, but this idea that it does not taint anything when 3 of the 4 guys who started 5 games in the series are mentioned is silly.


Does not take away the Yanks won in any way, but lets not dismiss this as it was a few isolated players. In t his weeks Daily News some friend of Leyritz(again the circumstances and the source) said Leyritz told him the Yankees teams of the mid to late 90's were full of steroid and drug users(again, believe what you want, I too am skeptical)


I am also with DUB on this one, we know Clemens lied, we know he used. There will be more names as the FEDS arrest more dealers and trainers all over and as time goes on I suspect that the numbers that used will be staggering, but enough is enough, lets just be done with it. Today I wanted to hear about the Giants on WFAN and all I heard was analyzing some tape like 2 high school kids in a teenage fight, pathetic if you ask me.

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Pettitte used HGH(not steroids) once during rehab. Giambi, wasnt on the team during any titles.


Besides, those are titles held by a team, not any one person. Starting pitchers show up maybe 5 times a month. Get off of it. You and McQueer can high five each other all you like, it aint happening.


:LMAO: Yeah Bonds was using flaxseed oil and Rog was juicing up with B-12. :LMAO: BTW, what if Bonds was "only" on HGH?



You're missing my point, steroids/hgh helped the Yanks, and other teams, win titles. Thats worse than any fucking record if you ask me.



And what does this have to do with Mckeef? I think the Sox are guilty as hell too, I think Manny, Shilling, papi, Damon the whole bunch were on roids, and nothing would make me happier if their names came out on a list too. For the simple reason all the people screaming for barry's head several months ago are now back pedaling and wanting the subject dropped since it's starting to hit close to home. The same people wanting to Lynch Bonds for breaking a stupid fucking record are now wanting proof and more than word of mouth.


I have been saying for a long time to forget about roids and enjoy the game and the records broken and the series' won, but because barry broke the record it all everyone feeling all high and mighty saying the record was tainted. Steroids didn't ruin baseball, the fans who acted offended by the prospect the dudes wanting to make millions of dollars by any means necessarry did. Now an entire generation of baseball has been shat on in the public eye because people expected ball players to not use steroids to make more money.





The 2000 Yankees in the WS started Clemens, Pettite, El Duque and Neagle. 3 of the 4 were named in the Mitchell report, along with Mike Stanton(who cheated as a Met too) Glenallen Hill, Jose Canseco, Chuck Knoblauch and of course admitted user Jim Leyritz. I am not saying the Mets deserve anything, they probably had as many guys juicing as well, but this idea that it does not taint anything when 3 of the 4 guys who started 5 games in the series are mentioned is silly.


Does not take away the Yanks won in any way, but lets not dismiss this as it was a few isolated players. In t his weeks Daily News some friend of Leyritz(again the circumstances and the source) said Leyritz told him the Yankees teams of the mid to late 90's were full of steroid and drug users(again, believe what you want, I too am skeptical)


I am also with DUB on this one, we know Clemens lied, we know he used. There will be more names as the FEDS arrest more dealers and trainers all over and as time goes on I suspect that the numbers that used will be staggering, but enough is enough, lets just be done with it. Today I wanted to hear about the Giants on WFAN and all I heard was analyzing some tape like 2 high school kids in a teenage fight, pathetic if you ask me.



If I'm a Giants fan, I'd carry one of those construction paper asterisks around with me at all times, and any time i saw a Yankee fan i'd flash it at them



I don't mean to single out the Yanks, the Mets, Rangers Astros, orioles etc all had people who used roids, it just so happens they have a couple of the more prominant names on the list and they won a lot.


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Pettitte used HGH(not steroids) once during rehab. Giambi, wasnt on the team during any titles.


Besides, those are titles held by a team, not any one person. Starting pitchers show up maybe 5 times a month. Get off of it. You and McQueer can high five each other all you like, it aint happening.




Didn't Pettitte lie about this once before when the story about him and Clemens first broke in 2006 by saying he had NEVER used any performance enhancers?





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Didn't Pettitte lie about this once before when the story about him and Clemens first broke in 2006 by saying he had NEVER used any performance enhancers?

You mean the LA Times lie. No he didnt need to, because LA Times did infact make that up and I believe were sued for slander.

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i can't see clemens name anymore without thinking "oh my goodness gracious."



I wish we were still in the days when people said things like "oh my goodness gracious" instead of things like "what the F*CK?" and so on. It just sounds so much nicer.

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You mean the LA Times lie. No he didnt need to, because LA Times did infact make that up and I believe were sued for slander.


You are missing the point. The point is not whether the story was true or not, it's that Pettitte said this,


"I played with Grimsley for a couple of years in New York and had a great relationship with him," the pitcher said before the Astros' game.


"I guess reports are saying I've used performance enhancing drugs," he added. "I've never used any drugs to enhance my performance in baseball. I don't know what else to say except to say it's embarrassing my name would be out there."



Now he's saying he used HGH only twice when he was injured once because he knows he's in deep doo doo if he lies.


So I ask again, is it a FACT that Pettitte only used performance enhancers that "one time"?

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I wish we were still in the days when people said things like "oh my goodness gracious" instead of things like "what the F*CK?" and so on. It just sounds so much nicer.

i would have loved if suzy waldman said "what the fuck is clemens doing here"

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