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is it me or is rivera the perfect target for the bosox this offseason? not only are you taking him away from the yanks but it will (in all likelihood) keep joba in the bullpen, giving the yanks yet another starting pitching spot they'll have to try to fill with this awful SP market, plus you can move papelbon to the rotation (like they've wanted to for two years) and take schilling's spot. i'd rather spend that money on mo than schilling. am i nuts here or is this a no-brainer?

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is it me or is rivera the perfect target for the bosox this offseason? not only are you taking him away from the yanks but it will (in all likelihood) keep joba in the bullpen, giving the yanks yet another starting pitching spot they'll have to try to fill with this awful SP market, plus you can move papelbon to the rotation (like they've wanted to for two years) and take schilling's spot. i'd rather spend that money on mo than schilling. am i nuts here or is this a no-brainer?
mo has said in the past that he wouldnt play for the red sox...he's about the only player in baseball that I actually believe when saying something like that


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true, but if he wasn't pissed off at the yankees a week ago, he definitely is now after the wya they handled torre. im sure if the money is even he'd stay but i'm suggesting the bosox would be smart to offer him a pile of money and make him an offer he can't refuse

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Well once he was in the pen i can understand not messing around with anything for the rest of the season, but the sox have totally abandoned making him a starter in the future?


Yes, I believe so. I think their rationale is, "Why would you move a guy to the rotation when he's the best closer in the game." Not saying that's necessarily true, but that's what they're thinking.

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i don't disagree w/ that logic (for similar reasons i feel joba chamberlain should stay in the pen), if they deviate from that policy though and want to make papelbon a starter i think going after rivera is a great move.



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