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Make Me Some Food Ho's thoughts on the trades/non trades


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Ok, with the red sox getting gagne, I think I might have to eat my words by saying that the Yanks will win the division, its going to be nearly impossible now. With that said, I give Cashman alot of credit for not giving in to Texas' ridiculous demands for Gagne. Im still amazed of how teams constantly bend over backwards to accommodate the red sox and make them better. They give up a shitty starting pitcher in Gabbard, a 16 year old, and an outfield prospect who projects to be nothing more than a 4th outfielder. Yet they wanted the Yankees starting center fielder and/or one of their 3 top pitching prospect who happen to be in the top 10 in all of baseball, with 2 of them being number 1 and number 2. Fuckign amazing.


Im glad to get rid of Proctor, the guys arm is shot, there is no doubt in my mind...and he's been down right awful all season. In the trade we add a much needed bat to come off the bench and a guy who can fill in defensively and give Jeter and Alex a rest....and he can actually hit a home run, unlike Cairo, who sucks. Look, the Yankees have arms in the minors that can do as well, and in my opinion, better than Proctor. We all know how Torre hates using rookies ect, by trading proctor and not getting gange, this forces him to actually use these kids and not let them rot. So instead of a rookie arm being called up and sitting in the bullpen for 8 games before Torre puts them in in a bases loaded, no out, tie game in the 7th inning situation, only to give up a hit and the go ahead runs, then have Torre never use them again because he not confident in them; he will be forced to use them like normal relievers. And he might actually be suprised that when used normally, these kids can pitch and get people out. Its not fair what Torre does to rookie bullpen arms by making them sit forever and then throwing them into the fire and losing confidence in them when they dont do well after not pitching in a game over a week...most of the time, its even longer.


Would I have liked the Yankees to get a bullpen arm? yes. But not at the price teams were asking for 2 month rentals. And I feel its addition by subtraction with Proctor. Torre now has to use the youngsters and we dont have to watch Proctor give up any more home runs and blow leads. They did go out and get a much needed bat to come off the bench and Im happy with that. So in essence, the Yankees filled 2 of the 3 glaring weaknesses via trade by getting a back up catcher, who can hit at least 220 in Molina and a guy who can hit a home run off the bench. The bullpen is the only thing tha=ey didnt address, but like I said, the Yankees have arms in theminors that can do the job, now Torre has to use them....and for the record, Id much rather give Edwar Ramirez, Alan Horne and Chris Britton the nod over Joba.

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im surprised you aren't psyched to see joba up here

dont get me wrong, I love Joba and Ive been high on him since they drafted him, but he is 21 years old and this is is first professional season....even though he was a national champion in division 1 with Nebraska. I think Chris Britton is the better choice for now. He's been around a while and was a successful relief pitcher in this division last year. I honestly have no idea why he hasnt been with the team all season. Besides, I feel that Joba should be called up as a starting pitcher, not a reliever. I know many other pitchers who are now successful starters have done the same, but I just dont favor it.

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Gagne going to the Sox improves an already pretty tough bullpen. I do not understand the Betamit deal though. Can someone fill me in on his numbers. I always though Cairo was a solid player. No he doesn't hit home runs but situationally he is terrific.

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I don't understand how a few of you have said Gebbard is down right shitty...I've read nothing but good things about him, and more or less he's been at the very least effective when he's pitched, a couple roguh starts but he is young. I'm not trying to pump him up because we got him or anything, i was am little dissappointed with the trade, somewhat. I think the Yankee demands were just so unrealistic it was used to get other teams to go higher than they wanted.

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Gagne going to the Sox improves an already pretty tough bullpen. I do not understand the Betamit deal though. Can someone fill me in on his numbers. I always though Cairo was a solid player. No he doesn't hit home runs but situationally he is terrific.

dude Cairo sucks. Ill just leave it at that. Betemit is a very good guy to have on the bench. His plate discipline has much improved ala Jose Reyes. He gives a guy with an 833 OPS to come off the bench and give us a quality at bat and can spot start giving the left side a rest. Its a much needed piece for this team.

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I don't understand how a few of you have said Gebbard is down right shitty...I've read nothing but good things about him, and more or less he's been at the very least effective when he's pitched, a couple roguh starts but he is young. I'm not trying to pump him up because we got him or anything, i was am little dissappointed with the trade, somewhat. I think the Yankee demands were just so unrealistic it was used to get other teams to go higher than they wanted.

dude, he is 26, thats not young for a rookie, its down right old..in other words, he never was a prospect. He spent 6 years in the minor leagues beofore getting a taste of the majors and if John Lester was healthy, youd have never even seen him. The fact that he had some lucky success in his first few outings y short ml career shot up his trade value. The guy is nothing more that a long reliever/spot starter. His rough starts are more indicative of the major league pitcher he is/will be than his first few starts. Peter Gammons is a moron, dont listen to anything he says...the 16 year old is the best guy in the deal...but he is 16 and who knows what can happen bewtween now and when he is ready. The bottom line is that Tyler Clippard, Bret Gardner and Alan Horne were a better offer as all 3 could play in the major leagues right now.

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Ah, I see. i didn't hear it from gammons though, this was just shit i read on the internet last night. Well, i guess one thing for him is he's a lefty. I did read he is similar to Kenny Rogers, all i can do is hope i guess. Thanks for the insight,.

no prob...Im not being a hater, Im just telling it like it is.

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Gagne going to the Sox improves an already pretty tough bullpen. I do not understand the Betamit deal though. Can someone fill me in on his numbers. I always though Cairo was a solid player. No he doesn't hit home runs but situationally he is terrific.

Cairo in 12 seasons - .267 BA with 290 RBIs

Betamit - 5 seasons - .263 BA with 102 RBIs


Cairo averaged 24 RBIs per year

Betamit averaged less than 21 so what's the big deal here?

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Cairo in 12 seasons - .267 BA with 290 RBIs

Betamit - 5 seasons - .263 BA with 102 RBIs


Cairo averaged 24 RBIs per year

Betamit averaged less than 21 so what's the big deal here?

168 of his career RBI's came in years where he was primarily a starter, if not the starter on his team. Besides RBI's is one of the worst stats you can ise in judging a hitter, its a team stat, not an individual stat. OPS is a much more telling


Cairo career OPS is 664

Betemit is 780


Betemit is clearly the bette player.

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