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Shit, i meant to say New York Jets!!


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You see I knew I made a fucking mistake back in the 80's when someone asked me who my favorite team was. I meant to say Jets, New York Jets. I must have been watching some of Andre the Giants maches or been eating some green giant peas or something and I had Giants on the brain. Ah well that explains it. let's go Jets, fuck the Giants. Fuck all y'all Giants fans.Off to the ganggreen.com I go. :clap:

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Try a little harder.


Picture a fat kid, living in California, in gym class saying "The Giants are my team".... :brooding:


Though, I did get to bask in 2 SB championships...and 3 NFC titles.


Thats more than a Jets fan can say.


The tide is rough, but it doesnt stop.

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You see I knew I made a fucking mistake back in the 80's when someone asked me who my favorite team was. I meant to say Jets, New York Jets. I must have been watching some of Andre the Giants maches or been eating some green giant peas or something and I had Giants on the brain. Ah well that explains it. let's go Jets, fuck the Giants. Fuck all y'all Giants fans.Off to the ganggreen.com I go. :clap:



My sad-ass childhood in NJ was like this: both the Giants and Jets sucked so bad for so long (we're talking Craig Morton/post-op Joe Namath, Joe Pisarcik/Richard Todd level suck), we thought nothing of asking each other who are favorite regular season team was, and who our "playoff team" was. It was a season or two before it dawned on me that the Giants were eligible for the playoffs.


But yeah, this loss kicked the shit out of me, too. This team is underachieving so badly it's not even funny anymore.

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