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Everything posted by jranieli

  1. didn't he just do that movie about the Temptations where he won an award and now he goes to this. Unbelievable.
  2. I used to go to about 15-20 home games a year but I haven't had the time and money in the past few years. Yeah it is only minor league hockey but it is so fun to watch. The crowd, how fast the game is, just very exciting. Even when St. John won the cup a few years back, we were at a bar up there and there were some players on the team who brought the Calder Cup and I actually got a chance to drink out of it. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. That thing was so heavy. Rico Fata was the one who held it up for me while I drank out of it.
  3. I forgot to mention Coming to America. I am almost embarrassed to watch the previews for Norbit.
  4. that movie looks so bad. It was funny with the Nutty Professor and Clumps movie but getting a little too old.
  5. and the seats would stab you in the ass. So uncomfortable but I did enjoy receiver some Hershey candy at the gate at the end of the game. We were pretty rowdy that evening. There were no Bears fans, the whole arena was invaded by Penguins fans. I went up to St. John, New Brunswick for the Calder Cup finals that year. That was really a great time.
  6. Last time I was down there is when we sweeped you guys in the conference finals a few years ago, and that was the old arena. I hated that place, I was there a few times before it but never liked it. I have never been to the new one though. I go down to Lancaster quite a lot but we don't go to any games or anything.
  7. Yeah you guys moved a head of us in the recent weeks. We had a hot start but cooled off quiet a bit. Got our asses handed to us by Norfolk a few nights ago.
  8. lol they do have two Calder Cups in the last 10 years. Well that is something to be proud of. The Phantoms suck this year.
  9. okay another question, what teams are most popular in Europe and across England? I got into a fight with someone at another board and he was telling me that the Dolphins were more popular than the Giants in Europe. They can't even sell out their stadium and I don't know how they have more fans. I thought at least with a team having New York next to it might help a lot.
  10. yep me too. I am not a Yankees fan and I am excited about them here. Finally real grass!!
  11. http://www.minorleaguebaseball.com//gen/mi...1/cf167619.html
  12. I don't see it happening. He can possibly be tagged by the Bears. He will come at a high price.
  13. Well it is official now http://www.sportsline.com/mlb/story/9966059
  14. :worshippy: sweet, no one from GD yet. I imagine plax will join so that makes it 5.
  15. now we need plax and VG, he better partcipate and then we will have to poach because there is no one else i can think of.
  16. sweet, Now we need to get the others in this forum, then I will have to poach from GD.
  17. It's fun It is through yahoo.com. I created a league already, so if anyone wants to join go there. Hope there are no problems. League name ID# is 25234 and password is nygiants. http://racing.fantasysports.yahoo.com/auto...oinprivategroup
  18. no, they are all Nextel Cup drivers but they are ranked, first teer are the top drivers, then second teer are middle of the road and last teer is like Kyle Petty and drivers close to his style. Anyway, you would only be able to chose the drivers 10 times during the year so you would have to mix and match the whole season. You just have to watch how you use your drivers. Say if you use Stewart 8 times before mid season, you are in trouble. More like, spreading out the use of drivers. It is actually pretty fun.
  19. I did it the last few years with some people I know. I am thinking maybe we can have a league through yahoo. It is actually pretty fun. We picked 4 drivers a week in three different classes and points added up from there. What do you think? You can have many participants.
  20. that is fine, I just don't want to be responsible for editing a members signature by adding something in. You know what I mean? We can get Nem or the other mods need be. It is just there were some accusations during for the football pickem that there were people editing things and suck. That is why I want to stay neutral in this.
  21. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I have done things that have pissed off members here and I know and sometimes I am wrong and applogize for that but I would never screw around with another member and abuse my powers. I think I can be trusted to join in any type of contest and not to mess around with it. If you guys don't want me in any contest than than that is okay then.
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