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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. It's a double-edged sword. You could end up with a Gilbride scenario where you can't get rid of him since TC is so loyal to his assistants... no matter how much he sucks. If I remember correctly though, Jauron was a fairly competent but not exceptional DC.
  2. We didn't "let go" of Belichick. He got a job in Cleveland when Parcells was still HC, then Parcells left the francise high and dry when he decided to bail in June... and all the good HC candidates had already been hired. Parcells fucked the Giants for those two years. THAT'S why I STILL think he's a douche.
  3. You know, I've been wicked pissed that Coughlin kept his job after our annual late-season collapse (though this one miraculously didn't end with a first-round playoff loss to the Eagles or Panthers). However, looking around the league, there seem to be a number of other head-scratchers. How the fuck does Marvin Lewis get an extension? Minnesota is keeping Leslie Frasier? Really? Kubiak still has a job? I guess our situation could be worse.
  4. If JackStroud left for some other message board, I would want Coach_Wannabe from the old GMB. If you could possibly imagine JackStroud's inane posts all ending with: LOLROFLMAOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 Then you pretty much have it. Now THAT was a dumbass poster.
  5. It would be a perfect cap to how the francise has been run this year. First, refuse to note and correct basic problems with your team's fundamentals, like holding the ball and punting. Next, refuse to fire the coach that failed to correct said problems. Finally, usher in the return of the Overrated Problem Child. Fucking genius.
  6. "Collapses?!?! Don't talk to me about collapses! You kidding me? COLLAPSES?"
  7. I disagree. There is a TON of talent on this team. The only reason I say that is for a team to lead the league in turnovers and still get 10 wins is almost IMPOSSIBLE unless you're that good. Most teams that lead in turnovers finish 6-10 or worse.
  8. Who I'd to have back here: OL Kevin Boothe - very servicable backup, and we're getting older... injuries are hitting the line. TE Kevin Boss - would be a superstar on any other team, but Eli doesn't look to his TEs for some reason... but don't pay top dollar. RB Ahmad Bradshaw - I'm actually on the fence about him. Fumbles lose you games, but I love his tenacity. DT Barry Cofield - underrated player on the line; hope we can get him back as Coefield and Joseph on the inside sounds nasty. S Deon Grant - not many years left in the tank, but he was arguably the secondary's best playmaker this year. DE Mathias Kiwanuka - yeah, I know we have 100 DEs... but he was leading the league in sacks before he got hurt, he's always said and done the right things, and "you can never have too many pass rushers." TE Bear Pascoe - possibly my favorite Giant right now. Longshot to make the team, takes advantage of injuries in preseason, works his ass off, plays out of position (and plays BETTER than Matty Hedgecock)... he's a fullback/Hback/TE now that can actually run and catch. Underrated guy, we need him and can probably get him for cheap. Plus he has a cool name. LB Chase Blackburn - greatest linebacker in the history of the game. WR Steve Smith - I don't just want this guy on the squad, we absolutely NEED him on it.
  9. Martz is a grade-A clown who's more in love with his "schemes" and "genius" than with winning. I cringe every time someone suggests we should get that guy.
  10. Can't agree with you more. However, if Coughlin was a good coach, why weren't there repurcussions for not listening to him?
  11. Honestly, I can't remember feeling as bad after a season as this one in 30+ years of being a Giants fan. Three weeks ago we were talking #1 seed, but a historic collapse to our hated rivals followed by a lifeless game ruined the season for us.... another December to forget, another year wasted with a (I believe) very talented squad. Now, the one thing that most of us were hoping to hang our hats on for next year... a coaching change (to Cowher, most had hoped) has been pulled out from under us, leaving the bad taste of another blown chance to linger all offseason. Seriously, what do we, as fans, have to feel good about with this team? Does anyone REALLY see this squad, with these clownish coaches, finishing better than 8-8 next year? What "big offseason move" is going to light a fire under this team's ass... because I don't think keeping Coughlin in place is it, honestly.
  12. Ahh, I appreciate your pessimism, joe.... unfortunately however, in this case it is grossly misdirected. The Giants come out and look like world-beaters. They're up 24-7 at the half and finish 38-14. The Packers, however, roll Chicago, so we're out of the playoffs... however, Mara and co. are so impressed with this Giants outburst and 10-6 record that they re-sign Coughlin for another three years... dooming us to at least two more years of December collapses, head-scratching playcalling, and first-round playoff losses to the Eagles. Meanwhile, Bill Cowher will send the Texans surging, making the playoffs in every season with the team. Bank on it.
  13. Honestly, at this point I'm not sure if it will make a difference anyway.
  14. He's a beast. He shows up every week and dominates.
  15. I guess we just have a different outlook on how to run a team, then. I think if players are doing something that is clearly going to hurt the team down the road, you make your players pay for it one way or the other. Plus, if you say "hold the ball this way" and your guy DOESN'T do that, it IS disciplinary... it's insubordination. Now Coughlin is the one likely paying for it... with his job.
  16. No boo, I'm saying this should have been done in like, week 2. Look at the way the guys hold the ball. Who couldn't see that fumbles were going to be a problem? Again, there's a thread from the preseason that talks about this (I'm not going to dig it up though). You fix the problem at the beginning of the season, and you win against Tennesee and possibly Green Bay... hello playoffs. Instead, we're talking about who should coach our team next year, and rightfully so.
  17. I agree. Every three years or so when the Philly fans start calling for his head, I'm the first one to say we'd take him here. We sure as hell can't beat him. That's exactly it. Coughlin is a very good coach who will catch on with another team and likely be very successful, however, his act has grown stale.
  18. Can't agree more... especially with the O'Hara thing. Ever since he's been back in the lineup our line has totally sucked, and he was victimized and abused all day yesterday.
  19. That's a great question. Let's go down the list: NFC EAST Romo - No Mc Nabb - No Vick - No (sure there are many who'd disagree with me on this, however) NFC NORTH Rodgers - Maybe, but concussions worry me Favre - No Stafford - No Cutler - No NFC SOUTH Ryan - leaning towards "yes" Freeman - No Brees - Yes Whoever is QB for the Panthers - it's a joke, right? NFC West Smith - No Bradford - No Hasselbeck - No Whoever is QB for Arizona (see Panthers) So in our conference, there is ONE guy who is head and shoulders above Eli, two guys who might pan out or might not, and handful of unknowns, and some really BAD QBs. Eli isn't elite but he's proven he can get the job done, and as stated above, it might be nice to see what a new coaching staff and an OC that doesn't require 57 post-snap reads would do for him.
  20. No, you DO single out one guy. "Hakeem Nicks, you're our best offensive player. You don't listen to what I say, however, so you are deactivated this game... despite your skills, you're riding the bench. Hey, Ahmad and Mario... did you catch that? You might want to start securing the ball." You have one sacrificial lamb, and the other guys all all into place.
  21. He's NOT doing that hlb. Bradshaw's "benching" was not starting the opening series. Nicks is as bad as Plax at ball security... just because you have the world's largest hands doesn't mean you drop your fundamentals. Manningham isn't far behind. The Giants players don't secure the ball, and it's been a problem since preseason... I can probably dig up a thread complaining about how the team holds the ball from back in the second preseason game. This is football 101 and our players don't do it. It's as bad as wrapping up making the tackle... worse even. I blame coaching... if you're players don't listen, bench them until they do. The Giants lead the league in turnovers, and anyone could see that coming from the beginning of the season.
  22. It IS the coach's fault. I've said it before and I'll say it again: HOW many times do Hakeem Nicks, Mario Manningham, Ahmad Bradshaw, etc. have to have the ball knocked away because they're not holding it properly before Coughlin a.) makes a correction, or b.) benches their fucking ass? Holding the ball without THREE points of contact LOSES you football games. You learn that in Pop Warner... why can't Giants players and coaches figure it out? A good coach would look at game film, sit down with a player and say, "See how you're holding the ball? See how it got knocked away there? See how you almost lost it on this play? You're a playmaker but you're going to lose us games unless you have three points of contact on the ball AT ALL TIMES, and I'm not going to let you lose us games. So you either hold the ball like you learned when you were 12 or your backup gets to show me how he can hold it."
  23. I'd take Cowher first, he's a potential HOF coach with a great pedigree that's accessible to players but demands discipline. He's won with the likes of Kordell Stewart and Neil O'Donnell as his starting QBs... imagine what he could do with Eli. Also, Pittsburgh lost star players to FA literally every year and Cowher still had his teams in the playoffs. I don't want Gruden. He won one SB with Tony Dungy's team and... uh... umm... plus, he's awful with QBs, Rich Gannon notwithstanding. I'd take Fisher over Gruden. His teams always seem to be competitive and prepared, and again, he wins with shit QBs. For all the talk of Steve McNair being MVP, he sure didn't do shit once he left for the Ravens. Plus, aside from Eddie George, Chris Johnson, and Jevon Kearse, name one star that's been there in the ten years Fisher has coached that team. Outside of those guys, I really don't know. I just know the Giants need a change.
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