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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Nevermind, we have Tommy Devito now! Did you know at this point in their respective careers, DeVito has won more games than Peyton Manning? Mods, please delete this thread.
  2. I'm hoping the NFL agrees with this assessment. Dude looks like money in the bank to me. They said similar things about Hebert if I remember correctly and that dude is literally the only good player for the Chargers offense (to be fair, most of their offense has been some kind of injured this season). Every time I watch film on this kid I like him more. Even though he's a little raw and would need work, he's shown improvement every year since he's been a starter.
  3. So glad Joe Schoen is finally listening to me.
  4. That would be a shame. I know the defense hasn't been wonderful this year but I really like Wink as a coordinator.
  5. I was always partial to Raul Allegre, to be honest.
  6. I think Robinson only has like 250 yards or something. One of the podcasts I listen to said he came out of the gate hot but has more or less sucked since then. Joe Schoen really should have listened to me and drafted Trey McBride in that spot. Twice as many yards and a 78 PFF rating.
  7. Thibs is listed as a LB... does that mean we've drafted the 1st uh... 1st... round linebacker since Carl Banks? Is that story going to go away?
  8. Fucking sucks because Neal was finally putting it all together in his last game and then got hurt. He was one of the only reasons to keep watching this season; to see if he improves and can become our RT of the future.
  9. All the film work I've done on Maye looks really promising. He reminds me a lot of Justin Herbert or Payton Manning with mobility. I don't like Caleb much so far. Of course now the only way we'll get either of them is to give up this year's first, both seconds, and a first and third from next year to move up four spots. Did I mention I fucking hate this team? Started looking at Daniels because that's the tier of QB we're likely to be picking in... kind of reminds me of Lamar Jackson so far, but I've only watched film from two games. Even he's a likely top-5 pick at this point; currently out of our reach.
  10. I fucking hate the Eagles. Not only do they implement the draft philosophy that I wish we did (just take the best fucking player on the board), but they always end up with the players that I want in free agency too.
  11. I fell asleep during this game. That's how exhilarating it was. Woke up just in time to see our team blow their draft position. Now if we want one of the top 2 QBs where going to have to give up a boatload of picks. Like I said, fucking hate this team.
  12. Shit. We're gonna win this one too, huh? Time to start Daniels and Nix film I guess.
  13. Awesome. The team now has a reason to start him over Tyrod from here on out. Dude's gonna go 27-for-76 over the last six games and the tank will be complete.
  14. The DeVito stuff is fun, but he sucks guidette asshole. His ceiling is mid-level backup in the league.
  15. I totally understand this point of view. It's also worth noting that coaches and players don't tank (unless you're the Eagles), and it's always more enjoyable to watch a competitive team regardless of the record. Like I said in the previous post though, this game meant nothing to the franchise. I think most of us remember being jumped by the Titans to lose out on Jack Conklin in the 2016 draft, but how many remember the game we won late in the 2015 season against the Dolphins that dropped us four spots? We had to settle for Eli Fucking Apple instead of having our pick of Conklin or Floyd. Higher picks are better for the long term health of the franchise, at least from a personnel point of view. Doesn't mean the GM won't fuck it up anyway.
  16. The facts are as I said, you have more and better options with a higher pick. If the front office blows it then they played their hand poorly and that's on them. I'd rather come to the table with better cards than win a game that literally means nothing for the franchise.
  17. I haven't quite done enough work on Maye yet to say for sure he's "the guy" but also... this was one game. To look online you'd think the kid threw 60 picks this year. Even with the pick at the end, it sure looked like he did more good than bad that game. I haven't done enough with Williams either but what I've seen doesn't look good from a reading defenses perspective. I think he's got serious bust potential. Only watched Nix's game from last weekend. He had a big arm but was pretty inaccurate, even throwing from a clean pocket to guys that had five yards on the nearest defender. Have to watch more of him. All that being said... Peyton Manning had five picks in a game once but he was still Payton Manning. I think people that throw in the towel because a QB had a bad game are crazy.
  18. Because this season is over, but there will be other seasons and losing provides you with more and better options to fix your broken team.
  19. Man, Drake Maye sure would have looked good in (navy) blue.
  20. Happy that we're looking competent, but not gonna lie... I really don't want to win this game.
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