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Everything posted by NYHC GIANT

  1. Not yet...but I gotta tell ya, It feels good to be a Rangers fan right now!!!!!!!!!
  2. Snapped their NINE game losing streak....yeah!
  3. The Sports Illustrated hockey preview had the Rangers finishing dead last...FUCK YOU SPORTS ILLUSTRATED...GET YER' SHIT STRAIGHT!!!!!!!
  4. It's the curse of the "Sandman Song".... (J/K) Cliff Floyd didn't come through with his prediction, did he??
  5. It was like watchin' a goddamn train wreck!!!!!!! :brooding:
  6. You have to understand that it's "cool" and "the in-thing to do", to be a Yankee hater these days.
  7. ..And you can say that all you want, but it's still bullshit!!! Manny's a fuckin' headcase who runs like he has a load of shit in his pants!(when he decides he wants to run that is...but that's just manny being manny, right?)
  8. ...that's the same thing I was yelling last night!! :brooding:
  9. never should of put Procter in.......... :brooding:
  10. I saw on the news that cliff floyd and some other met were on trl on mtv, where he predicted that he would hit a home run in tomorrow's game. Just thought I would pass this info on to you met fans.......
  11. Why not??? Little league teams in boston can't have the Yankee name cause the kids get picked apart (mostly by adults, I might add)-so fuck'em, keep'em off the NY license plates!
  12. Well, Jagr didn't pass Graves...BUT WE WON IN THE SHOOTOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOIN' TO THE PLAYOFFS BITCHES!!!!!! Weekes looked great(never thought I'd say that)
  13. That sucks!!!!!Jagr will break Graves record tonight,I'm sure of it.
  14. After a 4 day rest, he should.
  15. 15-2= SSSSSWWWEEEEETTTT!!!!!!!!! :worshippy: :worshippy: -I still think Sturtze is gonna be a problem.
  16. I see the fishsticks couldn't get it done yesterday-big suprise.
  17. Was Bud Selig in Arizona today???
  18. Still have that 4 point lead!
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