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Eagles screw us again, now Bears have nothing to play for


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I would not put that past FATBOY but the FK was playing for a BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bye means shit if u have to face the Giants who know they can kick ur ass and are mad as hell. The Giants not making the playoffs are phillys best chance to make it somewhere.

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Philly looked like they lost the game intentionally.. seriously do they wanna face us in the playoffs? Do they? Give me a fucking break.. we creamed them.. till the epic collapse.


But, if they woulda won, they would the the second seed and not faced us. :confused: Isnt the only seed we can get is the 6th?? If so, that means we face the 3rd seed.

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Philly did not fuck us. we fucked ourselves.






This is what happens when you allow 28 points in less than 8 minutes.


If the Giants miss the playoffs, it will be because they are mentally very weak.


They felt they had all the time in the world to get over their dipshititude. Time is up....see you bums next year.


If by some miracle the Giants get in, they'll just head to Philly and get humiliated again. Not because Philly is so awesome, but because the Giants are a bunch of fucking dopes. Fuck it, I'll be watching This Old House.


The only good thing will be that the Eagles will be forced to play a smart team, and they'll get totally hosed. Whether it is the Packers or the Saints, their shit sandwich defense is going to be exposed.


Last week, Philly got hammered by the dumbest offense in the league.....yesterday, Joe fucking Webb owned them. Wait until Drew Brees or Aaron Rodgers comes to town. They don't have a fucking chance....at least I'll be able to get a good laugh out of it.

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Philly is overrated, they are just big play team and hit those plays in the 4th quarter. Dallas was creaming them the week before we collapsed against them. I like Joe Webb and have plugged him on this board before, it was no surprise Philly was exposed last night. Has far as the Bears, I think they play their starters they have the bye in the playoffs to rest. The Packers vs. Bears is also a blood rivalry and to sweep the Packers would make the Bears season just that more special.

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But, if they woulda won, they would the the second seed and not faced us. :confused: Isnt the only seed we can get is the 6th?? If so, that means we face the 3rd seed.


Yep.. they figured they'd have to face us eventually. That's how I see it.. they played like shit n it showed.

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Philly is overrated, they are just big play team and hit those plays in the 4th quarter. Dallas was creaming them the week before we collapsed against them. I like Joe Webb and have plugged him on this board before, it was no surprise Philly was exposed last night. Has far as the Bears, I think they play their starters they have the bye in the playoffs to rest. The Packers vs. Bears is also a blood rivalry and to sweep the Packers would make the Bears season just that more special.


Smith said he will play his starters so anything is possible. To be honest I always want to the Giants to make the playoffs even if they back in. The SB year the record was 10-6 with no hope. When the playoffs start it's a whole new season. Of course the Giants still have to beat Washington.

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