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Everything posted by eagleEye

  1. Yeah and no playoff with the 4th ranked offense. Maybe shit was alittle bit to harsh. Wait no, there defense is not good, so there a borderline crappy/shitty team. On another note, there are too many Shockey haters here. Funny because people make alot, I repeat, alot of noise when they call his name in the meadowlands. He stays, thats that.
  2. There is no doubt that Dallas is the team to be in our division. I think we'll be better than them because of there receiving core. Getting old. I dont see the Cowgirls beig as explosive this coming season as they were. As good as Eli was in the post season, he's got alot to prove.
  3. All that happened was people realized how to stop Reggie Bush. After that they have shit. Thankyou.
  4. eah Im pissed about Kiwika being let go too. The man deserved the money he got. Not so much Gibril. They both should have taken the paycut and stayed. Oh well, fuck em'.
  5. More than solid. It was his first year back at LT and he did a stellar job. He is only going to get better. I have a feeling he's going to be the NFL's poster child for LT in the years to come.
  6. Its funny how everyone who wants him gone says that he said, " I dont wanna be a Giant." Yet, I have yet to see a link to an interview or comment where he said that. Yeah, he doesnt wanna be on a contending team. He wants to go to a shaky Saints team with an uncertain future instead of staying with the Giants. Bullshit.
  7. I think we're gonna be a GREAT TEAM!! That is all.
  8. Its great t watch these commentators talk about a good locker room and the Giants in the same sentence.
  9. The only thing that matters is that when they talk about the team who had the absolute best regular season in histiry, they will speak of the Giants beating them in the Superbowl. Im gonna say no one will ever duplicate the dominating regular season the Patriots had. EVER.
  10. I can understand that. But I think its gonna be another season before Boss is as good a blocker Shockey is. Its a mistake if we get rid of him THIS YEAR.
  11. It still brings a smile to my face. I know what u mean, but I cant get enough of it.
  12. This sentence is asking if i think they are listening to offers. When clearly he meant to ask me if I thought they werent. Now if he said, "You honestly don't think the Giants arent not listening to offers?" That would be a double negative.
  13. Why wait when we have a pro-bowl starter now? If he's a problem after this year, fine get rid of him. But for now he deserves to be on this team.
  14. Do you mean "arent" listening to offers? What do you think we're gonna get for him? Unless we get starters from a team its not worth it. Draft picks dont go as far as a solid starter in the NFL.
  15. It would be a bonehead move to get rid of him. This is all bullshit hearsay to sell newspappers and get people talkin.
  16. Anyone who wants only a seound round pick for him doesnt have much brains. Draft picks come and go, solid players stand above.
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