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Sheffield is probably out for the season too...trade talk

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Now that Sheffield is probably going to be out for the season along with Matsui, thats over 220 RBI's to make up for.....what are you trade suggestions..if any at all. Keep in mind the Yanks could also use a pitcher


Id stick with Melky in left, but he's not going to give you 100 RBI's like Matsui. Id be willing to give up Eric Duncan and Tyler Clippard for Abreu or one prospect and pick up his contract, but certainly not both. And Id only make that trade because we're pretty desperate. Id look into Craig Wilson too. We could probably get him on the cheap and he is arguably a better hitter than Pat Burrell. That brings me to Pat Burrell. Id give them a lower prosoect and cash..thats it. Soriano is another option and being that Jim Bowden in the Nats GM we could probably get him for Carlos Pena and Terrence Long. Id stay away from Shannon Stewart because we need a power hitting, run producing corner outfielder and Stewart is not that.


Pitching...Again Id look to take advantage of Bowden and go with Livan Hernandez. Id be willing to gvem them Austin Jackson and Rasner back for him. Another option I would do in a heartbeat is Cano for Willis, if the Marlins agree, I pull the trigger(even though I dont think Willis is that great, its easier to replace a second baseman, than to get a young lefthanded pitcher that has domianted).

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well they are going to call up Hidalgo pretty soon. he has some power

he's not the answer and he's a horrible hitter(one of the worst Ive ever seen in my life). Bringng up Durazo and letting Kevin Thopson man RF is a much better option

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Now that Sheffield is probably going to be out for the season along with Matsui, thats over 220 RBI's to make up for.....what are you trade suggestions..if any at all. Keep in mind the Yanks could also use a pitcher

Everyone can always use pitching, but I wouldn't touch Cano unless we can get a Halladay, and no one is going to give that up.


Don't count on a trade with the Phillies. They're contenders all the way. I wouldn't worry about our OF just yet, anyway. We're a little better defensively this year, so we don't need to score as many runs. I also think Cabs is going to cover some of those lost runs.


We'll get to see how this Kevin Thomson is, and who knows, Matsui may be back in time for the post season.


Spy, the last I saw, that Hildago deal didn't pan out.

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melky cabrera and kevin thompson are all we need. Bernie is fine too. Giambi can DH and give Phillips more oppurtunities. He's hitting well, which we all thought he would. Dont forget about Bubba Crosby.


Time to start letting the kids play.

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melky cabrera and kevin thompson are all we need. Bernie is fine too. Giambi can DH and give Phillips more oppurtunities. He's hitting well, which we all thought he would. Dont forget about Bubba Crosby.


Time to start letting the kids play.

I agree and disagree. Theres nothing more that I would love to see than the "horrible Yankees farm" players do well(as they are doing). But when youre the Yankees, youre expected to win now and although the kids are playing great, the lack of experience will pay its toll. Now they do have enough veteran talent mixed in with Damon, Jeter, Alex, Po and Jason, but theyre old and if Rivera is hurting himself putting on his shoes we have to be concerned about the health of the other guys. Even though Jeter, ALex and Damon are failry young, they all, with the exception of Alex, have been out with very strange injuries.

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Id be willing to give up Eric Duncan and Tyler Clippard for Abreu or one prospect and pick up his contract, but certainly not both...That brings me to Pat Burrell. Id give them a lower prosoect and cash..thats it. Soriano is another option and being that Jim Bowden in the Nats GM we could probably get him for Carlos Pena and Terrence Long.




I say offer them absolutely nothing for Abreu and Burrell. That sounds pretty fair to me.

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