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Michael Boley under investigation for Child Abuse


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What you have is an accusation at this point--nothing else. If he doesn't get charged, then that's all that there is. Although with his history, there might be fire with the smoke. We'll see.


You're not really much for reading into statements, are you? "One more spot to fill" means that Gman assumes that the Giants will do the right thing and can Boley's ass if it's true, regardless of whether he gets jail time or not. Or, for that matter, whether he's a good player or not. That doesn't sound like someone who's defending a child-abuser to me. I'm not sure exactly what you expect a football fan to do in these circumstances--form a lynch mob and charter a bus perhaps? Become the kid's foster parent? What?


And you get it less then most...the dog could care less if the giants do the right thing if he is guilty and drop him...the issue is the person who sees a child abuser and has the reaction of oh great, now we have one more spot on our already pathetic football roster to fill...get a clue and see the nonsense...no need to be a foster parent there simpleton, but how about identifying with the real tragedy of this first rather than worry about the roster. Most football fans are humans first after all little fishy...

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And you get it less then most...the dog could care less if the giants do the right thing if he is guilty and drop him...the issue is the person who sees a child abuser and has the reaction of oh great, now we have one more spot on our already pathetic football roster to fill...get a clue and see the nonsense...no need to be a foster parent there simpleton, but how about identifying with the real tragedy of this first rather than worry about the roster. Most football fans are humans first after all little fishy...

Well, golly, you pompous prick, maybe in a Football section the thought of a team just might be relevant. Please point (downward, of course) where anybody said child abuse something to be ignored.


Welcome to ignore, I'm done with you.

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We don't know what happened, douche. For all we know here the "abuse" his ex is claiming could be that he didn't buy him a pony. The fact that no protective custody was sought, just more cash, certainly doesn't suggest the child was in any danger. Yet according to you, we're supposed to be more protective of the child than his mother?

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We don't know what happened, douche. For all we know here the "abuse" his ex is claiming could be that he didn't buy him a pony. The fact that no protective custody was sought, just more cash, certainly doesn't suggest the child was in any danger. Yet according to you, we're supposed to be more protective of the child than his mother?


um, please reread...the dog never said he was guilty...never said any of that, and quite honestly would not touch this thread with a comment, except that what was implied was that "Jesus Christ, if this is true we have to fill another roster spot"...the dog took offense to that considering that IF this was true, roster spots shouldn't be what is the concern...but go ahead and accuse the dog of being high and mighty...etc...if being offended by the idea of diminishing child abuse for sake of a football team one cheers for is the dog being high and mighty, so be it. you come down on whatever side of that argument you and little fishy choose to.

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Just to clarify, I was not lamenting that we'd have another spot to fill. I was saying I want him gone - and in jail - if this is true. I have dedicated my life to working with kids. There is no bigger child advocate. I suppose I should have been more clear.


Nope.. you were clear in the first place.

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You know, I really don't mind The Italian Hotdog, but he managed to extend this thread to the point where someone had to come out and say that they don't condone child abuse. What the fuck.



look, the dog will drop this now. but all the dog did was comment on what appeared to be an inappropriate statement given the circumstances. the fact that treehugger and fishy are defending it is what kept it going...and just a note, if you read the thread, the dog wasn't the only one here who misinterpreted the comment...

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um, please reread...the dog never said he was guilty...never said any of that, and quite honestly would not touch this thread with a comment, except that what was implied was that "Jesus Christ, if this is true we have to fill another roster spot"...the dog took offense to that considering that IF this was true, roster spots shouldn't be what is the concern...but go ahead and accuse the dog of being high and mighty...etc...if being offended by the idea of diminishing child abuse for sake of a football team one cheers for is the dog being high and mighty, so be it. you come down on whatever side of that argument you and little fishy choose to.

You're denying your "high and mighty" commenting now? C'mon Bad Dog, even you have to admit you only log in here to be a condescending jerk off. You're really reaching here.


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