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Posts posted by gmenroc

  1. 8 hours ago, BlueInCanada said:

    I keep forgetting about Slayton.

    He disappears for weeks on end, has a two or three game stretch of good play, then disappears again lol 

    For a fifth round pick though he's out performed his draft spot. 

    Slayton is a solid #3 who doesnt play in the slot...so he wouldnt start on most teams...but given our WR room pre Hyatt and Nabors and Robinson (not Allen), with a declining Shep...he was our #1 there for a season or two.

  2. 11 hours ago, BlueInCanada said:

    Could be the case.

    The WR core or top three guys only have Robinson with tree years of experience. 

    Losing Shepard who was the vet guy in the room.


    Guess Slayton could be that guy but not sure given contract issues this offseason.  Keep forgetting about Shep being done...

  3. Not a bad camp competition guy.  Assuming it is vet min.  Dont recall him ever being a malcontent or locker room problem.  Might be a good guy to help mentor Hyatt and Nabors.  But yeah, not looking for anything on field

  4. Did I miss Dallas giving Dak an extension?  You could easily make them a yes.

    And until we know more about next year's class, we really dont know.  If it is anything like the class when Jones came out, we will be lucky to find 2 with a 1st round grade, let alone 4.

    Same for Steelers who have two guys signed to 1 year deals last I checked.

  5. 1 hour ago, TaylorBanksCarsonVanPelt said:

    For sure... a complete mortgaging of the future for unicorns and sunbeams at this point.  Get what you can and get out.  The Patsies have been abusing other teams for a decade and a half.  They could not pull it off because they lost the original Darth Vader in Belichek.  2024 seems to be a lost year and I can't wait till 2025.  Unload DJ as soon and as painlessly as possible.  Gettleman is like Night of the Living Dead zombies reaching out of the grave. :laugh::rip:

    I think too 2024 is a lost year at this point.  I will still watch and may actually end up at the Steelers game depending on when.  My old man is 75 this year and has never been to a game (Steelers fan).  Was gonna go 4 years ago when we hosted but you know...Covid.  But neither of us are looking to freeze our asses off while dropping coin for tix, hotel, etc.  We shall see.  Kinda hoping we both suck and its a pre-november game...

  6. 14 hours ago, Sephiroth said:

    There is no left guard on the roster. Like... he's not there. That's #1 to me. #2 is there aren't two starting corners. QB too but we're going to be fucked for a long time at that spot. I get that players want to win but we really fucked the franchise when Devito won those 3 games.

    Yeah...once you realize you are out of playoffs, you might as well lose out.  Two more losses and we are talking about when to start the rookie QB....but then again, maybe Alt wouldve been the pick.

  7. 12 hours ago, GorillaNJ said:



    You know how we said there werent any WTF moments in the draft and we were all happy about that?

    This would have been the penultimate WTF moment that would have arguably been a bigger WTF moment than drafting Jones in the firat place.  Thats the kinda shit that you fire the fuckin GM before the 2nd round starts and question whether he is quietly working for another team and sandbagging the Giants.

    Pissed doesnt even begin to describe how I wouldve felt if that had happened that way

  8. 1 hour ago, Herc said:

    And he had that freak eye injury that took him out for a good chunk of his rookie season too.  He really hasn’t had a ton of game snaps but I really liked what I saw from him as a possession receiver his first season.  I’d really prefer Waller to just retire and go in with bellinger and Johnson sharing the routes

    Same...regarding Waller.  But dude just got divorced and as anyone who has ever been close to a divorce knows...99 outta 100 times, "its cheaper to keep her"

    ...meaning he may play and probably be tempted to half ass it for his last season for that last round of game checks all to himself

  9. 10 hours ago, boohyah said:

    4 of these players may well see a lot of the field from day one. 

    That may not be a good thing...though it might be awesome.  We shall see

  10. Overall happy with the draft.  No absolute head scratching wtf moments like taking a QB outta Duke or taking a QB when you just inked a vet to 180 mil.

    Gotta read up on these later round guys but initial reactions seem to indicate they are well received.

    As previously mentioned, I do think adding at least one to trenches should have been a priority...especially on offensive side.  I know free agents were signed, but keeping that pipeline full is a key to longevity I think.  Same can be said for secondary or pass rush.

  11. After losing Love and McKinney in back to back offseasons, I dont hate it.  Hope this guy is good enough to get that 2nd contract

    Still think opening running lanes and pass pro is more important.


  12. 18 minutes ago, Virginia Giant said:

    Round 2. 

    Blake Fisher RT Notre Dame?

     Los of starting experience at RT and solid from what I’ve read. 

    OL is fine...but I would rather goninterior with a G

  13. I liked BB's point about Nebors ability to get open quickly helping the offensive line not have to block for long.  I still want to see Beebe or Haynes here in rd 2.

    If we can get anything consistent from our run game and keep the football coming out quickly, it could cover up a lot.

    I also want to see more crossing routes out of Hiatt...deep speed is good, but cutting across through traffic can free a guy completely.

  14. 2 hours ago, Iceman_NYG said:

    About as happy as I can be for Round 1 - got the guy I was hoping theyd get since I knew they were not going QB this year. Lock starts the year until Jones is healthy. And then Jones takes over. This is whats gonna happen this year.

    Kinda how I feel.  They tried to move up for a QB and did not overpay to do so.  I thought that the right approach.  It was gonna take a huge premium to get into top 3.  I think McCarthy interest was a lot of smoke and mirrors to get Maye to drop.  Didnt work, but like it.

    Would have traded down, but given 6 QBs in top 12...the teams looking to come up may have been few and we would have missed out on top WR and top QB.

    So yeah, happy with the pick.  I am really hoping for IOL here in the 2nd...Cooper Beebe or the dude out of Connecticut

  15. I will say it one last time before this shit starts...I hope to hell JJ is gone before we pick or we are smart enough to trade back if he is 1 of top 4 remaining QBs.

  16. 27 minutes ago, mastershake said:

    Hot take, wild (unlikely) prediction: We trade up to #4 and take Harrison Jr.

    Say we flip them our #1, #3, and 2025 #2. Would anyone be opposed to this move?

    While Harrison is awesome, I dont know there is that level of a difference between him and Nabors/Odunze to justify the additional picks

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