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Everything posted by NYHC GIANT

  1. I love the way we follow up a great series like the boston massacre, losing 4 out of five.... :brooding:
  2. I'm sure this makes all the "chowda" heads in Baston real happy.
  3. A "breaking story" about espn Mass suicides attempted at ESPN!!!!
  4. 13-5 is your final ladies and gentlemen.YANKEES WIN. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YANKEES WIN!!!!
  5. HOME-RUN CANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Either way, I hate those two jerks. I had to listen to joe buck do the Giants game Thurs. with Troy Aikmen..now that sucked! :brooding:
  7. This just in: Joe Buck is a douche bag, and Mcarver licks nuts-Now back to our program, already in progress.....
  8. Damon is breakin' some more hearts today, Man he's tearin' it up in boston.... don't fret it though boston fans, you have coco-crisp......
  9. POSADA THREE RUN TRIPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Nice catch by Bernie......this game is gonna be back and forth.........cue the stress.......
  11. Nice throw by Melky, but Posada tried to catch it on his knees, and couldn't hold on, tie game....
  12. Beckett is not doing that great. Yankees tie the game.
  13. I talked to my cousins' wife last month who lives in boton, and she told me that Damon going to the Yankees really hurt alot of people in boston. Really took it bad. After I stopped smiling, I thought about all those people that had to throw out their fake beards, rip down their damon posters-basically their "boston god" had failed them. Well, from mikeef's thread..I see we still have some broken hearts over at the RSN. Just like a jilted girlfriend who can't go on with their lives. ...and yes..Damons' at a better place...at home with the "EVIL EMPIRE".....
  14. Well, Ponson lived up to my expectations, but we did put up 14 to get the win. Long fuckin' game to. Think it broke a record.
  15. Yankees Win 12-4!!!! Now on to game two....................
  16. With Ponson on the mound? You bet yer' ass we're gonna lose, unless we pull out one of those 15-16 run deals.
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