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Do to recent injuries...


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I'd say:


1. Seubert lines up at Tackle, with Whitfield playing TE. Seems we'd have more "meat" in the middle that way.


2. Run, run, run, with Tiki and Jacobs. For Christ's sakes, can we let Jacobs wear a defense down JUST ONCE this year?


3. Put in Claiborne at OLB in passing situations, with Reggie Torbor at DE. Would have to generate more rush than Willie Joe at DE.





By the way... we getting anyone back this week? ANYONE?

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move McKinzie to LT, Deihl to RT and Suebert to RG. I think McKinzie is a better option at LT than anyone else, and we simply could not play 2 TE on every passing down.




Like you say, run. losing and LT is devastating, we have what could be the deadliest duo at the RB position. Toomer is out and we're playing unproven guys at the # 2 and 3 WR slots. We need to run more than any team has ever run before, we need to run so much us fans call the run boring. We need to run as if all of our QB;s we hurt and Coughlin himself were playing QB.



I havn't heard the latest as far as when Osi will return, but i could live with a Osi/Kiwi duo. I think we should run a nickle type defense as our base defense with Pierce and Torbor as the 2 LB's. Torbor should be blitzing most downs and we keep a safety up as a deep LB. I think Antonio is good enough and determined enough to take the middle of the field and make it his.

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I'd say:


1. Seubert lines up at Tackle, with Whitfield playing TE. Seems we'd have more "meat" in the middle that way.


2. Run, run, run, with Tiki and Jacobs. For Christ's sakes, can we let Jacobs wear a defense down JUST ONCE this year?


3. Put in Claiborne at OLB in passing situations, with Reggie Torbor at DE. Would have to generate more rush than Willie Joe at DE.

By the way... we getting anyone back this week? ANYONE?

I know Willie Joe isn't a big fan favorite especially here on the boards, but he is playing very good. He was breaking through double teams when he was in and getting to the ball quickly.

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I didn't think he played too bad at DT, but he didn't do anything for me at DE.

I thought he did admirably considering it isn't his position. I think if worse comesto worse, with some practice and game experience, we could survive with Willie at DE. specially if we could scrounge up a couple LB's and run a 3-4 more.

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Hmm... I never thought about the 3-4. Might not be a bad idea if we can get Torbor, Pierce, Wilkinson, Emmons, and possibly Claiborne on the field at LB (any reports as to how he's looked so far?)


Stick Willie Joe and Robbins at the ends, with Kiwi as a pass rush DE or LB?

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Hmm... I never thought about the 3-4. Might not be a bad idea if we can get Torbor, Pierce, Wilkinson, Emmons, and possibly Claiborne on the field at LB (any reports as to how he's looked so far?)


Stick Willie Joe and Robbins at the ends, with Kiwi as a pass rush DE or LB?

Torbor, pierce, Emmons and Wilkinson would be a good group for a 3-4. With our DE's in the shape they are, it may be what we go to as a primary D. But I would useRobbins as the NT and Willie/Kiwi as the ends.

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