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Posts posted by Go_Eli

  1. We have already witnessed three years of obvious failure by this slob yet team management for some insane reason has kept him. The embarrasment of releasing another in a long list of first round busts can be the only answer.


    The Fab Four would gladly back their beliefs by accepting any fair bet. However in this case there is something beyond logic keeping this guy on the roster. We possess to high an intellect to accept such a one sided bet as the one you offer.


    Why won't you take it? If he's as bad as you say he is, why is he still on the roster? Why won't he get cut?


    Put your money where your mouth. Don't pus out you little baby.

  2. Once again, I offer this bet to any member of the Fab 4.


    If William Joseph gets cut anytime before Week 1, I leave this forum forever. After all, I am "insignificant" and the Fab 4 does have superior football knowledge and understanding and believe he will get cut.


    If William Joseph makes the team, you leave this forum forever.



  3. What makes me laugh is the fact that the Fab 4 considers everyone insignificant, but won't make a bet with me.


    If I'm so insignificant, why don't you take my bet?


    Willy Joe makes the roster, you leave.

    Willy Joe gets cut, I leave.


    If I'm so insignificant and you're so confident, why doesn't ever member of the Fab 4 take this bet?

  4. Lavar's knee is gone, he can't cover receivers, and he is dumb as a box of rocks - forgetting his plays and always out of position..........on top of all this he is a cancer in the locker room - good FA signing EA...........almost as good as the ancient Sam Madison and the injured Will Demps. Isiah wouldn't have been that dense.


    Except for the fact that everyone in NY loves him already.

  5. this is ridiculous...look at this topic


    who would clap for an opponent ?? regardless of who they may be...the only person i ever clapped for was Mark Messier, when he made his Garden return as a Vancouver Cannauk...


    this pussy Peyton wont get an applause, and depending upon how his little brother Jerry Lewis looks in preseason, he may not get any either...



    You wouldn't even clap for Big Ben?

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