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Everything posted by Ggirl

  1. Ggirl


    Suddenly, your...um...diagram is getting alot of attention...from other Mets fans. Just so we can get back on track...BIG game tonight.
  2. Ggirl


    Once again, I think it best if I keep from commenting.
  3. Ggirl


    For your sake, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for the compliment. I'm a "well seasoned" baseball fan. That, coupled with a bit of superstition about running ones mouth too early, keeps me quiet. You and I both know that these things turn in a heartbeat and so I put myself on "simmer" until the season has been decided. Until then, I can be happy knowing that no one needs me to point out the standings to them. Besides, I don't dare give Jay another chance to throw the F bomb at me again.
  4. Once again, Shane comes thru big time. Player of the game (that almost killed me). Continue the hate.
  5. Ggirl


    See, even a good rival can generate a positive, slightly fabulous reaction.
  6. Ggirl


    Rival love is the best kind of love.
  7. Ggirl


    Actually...the post was more about the Mets losing, and not so much our beating the Nats. I was calling attention to the fact that no one was in here and how quiet the forum was on a losing night. I WAS TEASING FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD. Hate me if you must. I'll live.
  8. Ggirl


    Why don't you check back on some of my posts, Einstein. You'll see alot more congratulations than my team ever gets from you Mets fans. Bite me.
  9. Ggirl


    Yeah, that statement is loading with class. Way to act like you're 3. If you think that and all that and the rest of the bullshit that you spew is gonna make me run with my tail between my legs...try again. How many Mets fans were in here the other night, screaming about a .5 game lead? Spare me. It was meant to be a tiny poke at you Mets fans. Not quite the malicious ribbing you make it out to be. Don't worry guys. I may be a Phillies fan, but I can take it when you team turns on the shine...and you move into that prestigious spot on top of the division "by at least 2 games". LIGHTEN UP.
  10. I agree, Reyes is unfreakinbelieveable when it comes to talent. It's the "show-off" part that makes people hate him. Just be talented. Be a good player. Be humble once in a while. People will respect you more. Jimmy Rollins quite honestly could stand to take some of the same advice. What he did is not necessary and he needs to take a larger roll of leader. The organization doesn't need any negativity, least of all from a guy who really should be more concerned about production.
  11. Nice to see you guys back on positive fire for your team. I'm not bitter...but I am here, ready to take what you dish out...since you are in first place. I'm not gonna run, just cause my team lost it's first place spot for the first time in almost TWO MONTHS. It had to happen sometime. I guess that is what moving back into first place does for "fair weather" fans. Golf, way to get off topic baby. You have never heard, nor will you EVER hear me brag on my pitchers or the bone headed decisions by my front office. You will also never hear me cry about my team when they aren't flying high in first place. 86--Reyes has no time to talk about the coaching staff of other teams, as he is far to busy beating up the dudes surrounding the Mets.
  12. I've never seen him "dance" around the bases on a HR hit, like a 3 year old.
  13. God, you guys amaze me. Congratulations and have fun wallowing in your glory. It won't last long. PS....Reyes is a clown. Why can't you all just admit that?
  14. At the moment....I would take his whole head off. :brooding:
  15. I think he is hot AND good looking. He is tall, built, great smile and has a butt that could stop a train. I'd like to get a pair of tweezers to his eyebrows though.
  16. God, you guys have such a hard on for Victorino.
  17. I think I've made myself perfectly clear.
  18. I'm just glad he's not an Eagle. :brooding: Those assholes would have concentrated their entire training camp on making him a friggin' star, just to stick it up our tush. Upside: he's not in the NFC East.
  19. I for one, think we did just fine without him, in the post season. I have some great memories of some of his amazing catches and blocking abilities, but his attitude was going to hurt this team in the long run. Good luck Shocker...your jersey will still hang in my closet.
  20. Does no one here ever get the sarcasm? Mr. Allstar...that "barb" was thrown at xxi, not you. In either case, I am NEVER rough and tumble (except on ocassion with my b/f) on here with anyone, least of all you. We'll see how that series next week goes. Good luck!
  21. OMG! Something we actually agree on! I knew it would happen eventually...
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