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Posts posted by Iceman_NYG

  1. Carr will only get some kind of a contract only if he gets more playing time this year. Otherwise no. And I sure as hell dont him to get playing time this year! But in anycase, I think the Giants will re-sign him.


    But then again, Skins, 49ers, Vikings, Titans, Jax - all will pursue him. As will Cleveland I guess - but him going to Cleveland will be Deja vu all over again.


    Personally, I wish he stays here - but lets see how the commercials work out.

  2. Spags also gave up 80 points the first 2 weeks agreed. But for some reason, Spags was very intelligent and it was obvious from his adjustments and his interviews etc. He just looked like a smart individual. Sheridan on the other hand just doesnt seem like a bright individual. Lets see, Im not ready to crucify him yet. If Gilbride can get this much of leash, this fuckface surely can. But for some reason, it doesnt give me a good feeling.

  3. Since we dont have a legitimate No 1 WR, I guess all the teams game-planned to stack up the box week in and week out. Dellas has an overrated secondary, so I wouldnt buy too much into this - though I am a little excited. Lets see, if this repeats then maybe the other teams will think twice about stacking up the line for every play. Then we might bet back to our usual Giant the culture - pound! Pound! Fling!

  4. Sheridan is fucking dickwad. He has already become quite unpopular and frankly, doesnt seem like a smart or intelligent person. He is most definitely going to fuck shit up for this D from the booth. I just hope the enormous talent that we have on the D can make up for Sheridan's idiosyncracies. This fuckface is going to be the Defense's Hufnagel.

  5. If this new cow dung has even a semblance of truth to it...


    Then I dont mind parting with any of our WRs and a pick to get Braylon Edwards. The Giants dont have a very big window. We have won it once. If we are to do it a couple times more then we need Edwards NOW! No point in speculating about which of our WRs is the real deal or the next big stud or the big kahuna etc etc.


    Get Edwards, get him now - I dont care if they part with anybody from our current WR core and a draftpick (not the 1st through)

  6. Cant take any 'goods' or any 'bads' from this game. For that matter from any preseason game. Going by this logic, a couple pre-seasons back Ron Dayne on his comeback was the leading rusher and rumbling along all over the place. We all know what happened to that.


    Nicks has got good hands, Im not too convinced about this speed. I think there are numerous corners who can shut him down in this league. And either way he did all his stuff against 2nd-3rd stringers. The running game definitely is good. Our offense kind of goes into a stall when Jacobs is not on the field.

    Other than that, Ill reserve any opinion after the first regular season game. Until then, fuck that!

  7. I sure the fuck hope not. He sucks.


    Superbowl hero or not.....either way, looks like Tyree is going closer and closer to the Exit sign. I hope he makes the team in one capacity or another, but as of now it looks bleak.

    Its just that while Tyree might not show a lot of ability on the field during practice continuously, he's got some kind of special mojo in those big games where he will eat grass or suck-ass all game but might come up with that ONE special game changing play.


    Lets see how it pans out.

  8. If we didnt pursue for Edwards agressive, I seriously doubt we will even consider Marshall. Edwards is a much better option IMO.

    Consider the WRs we have already drafted the last couple years, I think Reese wants that position to be in-grown. I dont think we will pursue with Marshall. But I agree with VG that it would be nice to have a young veteran impact player at the position for the next few years, starting this year. This is possible, but I seriously doubt the 'starting this year' part.

  9. How you been Ice? Pretty much the same around here as always, other than how it looks, which Nem is working on. How's life been?


    Life's been pretty good VG. Changed careers - finished my MBA and am now longer an IT guy anymore - so now Im an International Property Consultant :) Whatsup with you? Any new sheep in your life? :)

  10. You missed "MyKiwisbeenTucked".....a real character that one was.


    Oh well....no big deal. They usually keep cropping up quite frequently. Hows it been here all this while? All the old ones still around?

  11. Hey Everyone,


    Just wanted to let everyone know Im back. Its been a long time coming but I was held up with studies and work. But Im glad Im back in time for the season.


    So whats new around here Nem, VG, SoCal etc? Any new 'characters'?

  12. I thought he did a good job for most of the regular season--but he totally fucked this game, and it's very apparent that the guy does NOT know how to call a game in windy conditions. And I can't believe Coughlin didn't take the wind in the 4th quarter. Again. It's like they learned NOTHING from that last game.


    Nesta, if you're reading this, Gilbride proved me wrong. The defense did MORE this game than what I hoped they would do in the first drive of the second half of that other game, and Gilbride STILL couldn't take advantage of it.


    Im no sure what Nesta's stance was....but if it was close to the fact that "Gilbride has always been a classical pussy dickwad cocksucker' then I agree. Badegg etc can talk whatever the fuck they want to. But my team needs fixing and it begins with the OC and.....ofcourse a fantasy WR

  13. I am much older than a 12 year old and I bet that in my 71 years of life, I have accomplished far more than you have done thus far in your life. As a result of the piss-poor performance by the Giants in this game, we can all start to discuss who the Giants should draft. That discussion should be very interesting and cause many thread.


    Dude.....just...shut up

  14. OK, we're all pissed off. Blow off some steam, but can we cease with the name calling? Please....pretty please with sugar on top? I'm a grouchy old man with itchy banning finger I'd rather not use. That goes for ALL of us, comprende?


    Fucking Eagles.


    Except for Gilbride....capiche? Because he fucking deserves it!

  15. Hey, my favorite team lost too, you know. So can you back off a little bit?



    Fishgut......you know me


    And I KNOW you....you actually felt Gilbride was intellligent....had a semblence of a brain, had an iota of imagination, a fucking ion of creativity?


    Did you? This fucking fragment of human excreta needed to be beated across the face with a lead pipe - superbowl or not!! The guy is just a plain idiot

  16. I know some of us we're pissed but I didnt know this loss would make some people go fucking crazy.


    I agree...

    Plax...the God turned moron killed us.....


    Gilbride....REITERATING MY STATEMENTS....the completely unimaginative moronic motherfucking bastard as usual fucked up (every cocksucking jockstrap hugging bastard can graciously suck my dick).....we sucked. I realised this a while back, right after Plax went down..


    I came on here and started a thread about why I didnt think we would win (God knows I hoped)


    Gilbride needs to go..he should have been gone a long while back.


    We had a bad day......but Eli is still the man....Im not shunning him for one sec...a fucked up game or not.


    Lets get a motherfucking receiver that atleast one member on this board would have on his fantasy team! ( conditions apply - an OC with a brain)


    I think Ill cry now.......

  17. All the bastardfuckshits who were on Gilbride's jock all through...need to drop down and suck dick...NOW! I maintained it all through that Gilbride was a shuntdick who didnt know his dick from his asshole when it came to playcalling! He won based on execution and toughness of the team! He motherfucking sucks! FUCK EVERYBODY WHO WAS BEHIND THE STUPID SHIT!!!






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