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Everything posted by NeMesiS

  1. We are looking for a Section MOD who is willing to post article links, spark up conversation and create game threads. I was going to announce an openning once I finish the Yankees skin. But if you know someone, let me know....
  2. well, keep in mind we had a ton of injuries that year too.
  3. I know...I want us to kick their ass on their home turf.
  4. No...they decided not to attend the Giants voluntary work outs.
  5. I got this from www.tutorialfx.com I thought you guys might like it.
  6. I got this from Infinity-effects.com By a guy name Nemesis...Not me. www.infinity-effect.com Ok so this is my first tutorial so go easy on me Okay.. Before you start making this sig you need some good abstract brushes you can find some at www.deviantart.com Here are the brush sets i used: Despirited Abstract 2 Nightsky I suggest you to use these brushes. Ok, so lets start off! 1.Make a new document. Size you can decide yourself but i'll be using 360x125 2.Fill the background with black.Now your sig should look like this: 3.make a new layer and get brushes and start brushing with white,brush until you have something like this: 4.make a new layer and start brushing with black now. Brush untill you have something you like.I came up with this: Note: I used brushes called: despirited asbtract Note2: you can do more brush layers if you want, i just do these 2 this time. 5.Make new layer, take out brushes now in this step you need nightsky brushes because we are gonna make some shiny stars there. brush some stars there with white, i came out with this: 6. Now when this is abstract signature so color is very important. So let's give it a nice color. Okay so go: Layer->new adjustmen layer->color balance and play around with the settings.These are what i used: Shadows:+13 0 -31 Midtones:+36 0 -33 Highlights:+30 0 -30 You can put what you like. This is what i have now: 7.Now we add text in our sig.This is how we make it.Pick a nice font, i used Tiranti Solid LET and type your text what you want it to say.Well let's make a nice little effect there. Right click your text layer and select blendindg options. Pick Outer glow and leave the outer glow settings to defaults. 8.Right click your text layer and select duplicate layer. Put the duplicated Layer under your original text layer,select the duplicated layer and then go: Filter->Blur->Motion Blur And put the distance to 100,you can put whatever u want that is just what i used. Now in this point your sig should look like this: 9. Now add a border like this: make new layer and Pick your rectangular marquee tool and select the hole area like this: Then right click it and select stroke.make it Inside and 1 pixel Now you have a cool signature! i hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Finished product with subtext added: If you liked this tutorial,please mind
  7. fuck that man! I want Seattle!
  8. Man, that would be a cool game to see.
  9. Hey, that sounds like a great idea...just let me know when.
  10. It happens, but not very often. Me and the family (wife and kid) are planning to go to that game. So if you hear some crazy dude yelling "lets go Giants" with a beautiful women shaking her head. That would be me....
  11. Nah, even it was from a fight, at least he's showing some life in him. He's a young lad, let him get into fights.
  12. www.northjersey.com/ http://www.courant.com/sports/football/ http://www.newsday.com/sports/football/giants/ http://www.nj.com/giants/ http://newsday.typepad.com/arthur_staple_with_the_gi/ http://www.realfootball365.com/nfl/ http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/giants
  13. Do you have any proof that any of our Giants players, or any NFL player for that matere, is using Steriods? If not, please reframe from accusing any player until you have actual evidence. Thank you.
  14. I don't like it when a member of our team makes such a bold prediction. But coming from him, a true leader, he must see something in this team.
  15. I go to see the Giants play here in Dallas...I usually give the Cowboys fans hell here in Texas Stadium. YOu should do it at your end.
  16. You know damn well those two fuckers sold their soul to the Devil to make that play.
  17. You had to bring that up again.
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