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Everything posted by Firstnten

  1. so get rid of Plax, toomer can be the #1 and we can pull in a rookie WR as the #2? here we see where the wealth of the fab fours football knowledge base is formed.
  2. rumours is the brit spelling of the word... but it it amusing the nipple head has anything to say about grammer and spelling.. Is english you first language? lMAO...
  3. I seriously hope that lockhart is not blue footballs... after the disparaging remarks about tillman.... that thread really begs for a beat down of monumental preportions...
  4. there seem to be many double entendres in floyds post.. lip flapping, bondage, processed ham
  6. good question... after the db signings i question whats going on here..
  7. i don't enter your garbage threads until they are at least three pages... KR...let me guess... king rat? wow your a funny one... bitch
  8. Why do keep referancing giants101??? you might as well referance the box of fuitloops you read every mourning as a souce of NFL info.. please stop.... your embarassing yourself...
  9. the only legit new on this is that nothing has changed, there has been no futher talks with the NY org.
  10. I hear you like Lockharts balls on your chin, is that a legit rumor?
  11. so please enlighten us, where is Arrington going? Who is NY going to get in the draft.. I mean really why bother worring yourself with this type of thing... I would guess your talents lie more so in picking out curtians or new shoes...
  12. thats BS you stil lhave the pitt4two account... what did you do this time?
  13. no it stands for the ten fingers i can fit in your moms ass...
  14. As soon as we found out this pussy named carbo allowed us to rent out his rectum to a gay chicken ranch in vegas... we then took this money and invested it in KY jelly in your home town...
  15. I had to.... lockhart and the anal bunch needed a bitch slapping... are you still suspended from giants.bitch.com?
  16. my pimp hand is strong don't test me...
  17. Hello my name is lockhart... perhaps my cock is stuck in some mans ass, and perhaps it's not... perhaps I might leave mommies basement today to dump off these 100 pizza boxes I have collected under my cot.... perhaps the sunlight will not burn my skin and eyes... perhaps....
  18. Holy shit!!??!?!?! How the fuck do you go though life with blinders the size of billboards on the slides of that pile of shit on your shoulders your trying to pass off as a human head? Yes I'm clamoring for the privilege of writing down your written "WOLRDS" whatever the fuck that is.. And perhaps I'm tired of seeing "perhaps" typed into your gibberish posts 20 to 30 times a day... Funny thing is I just got done being in a meeting with a dipshit that reminded me of you... No matter how many times they fuck up a project, miss communicate and misinterpret information it's never their fault and they are never wrong... Give me the phone number of your closest prison, someone should get in touch with your pops and tell him he didn't beat you enough...
  19. i would supose that you would know all about how to catch rats,mice, gerbils ect.... word to the wise these animals are not supposed to be duct taped and shoved up your ass.. i know this may be a little late for you though...
  20. what the fuck did you say!?!?! hey dipshit whats a spoken and written world? you did an edit on this post!?!?!?....what the fuck did you change? you stupid douchebags can bearly handle a coloring book.... you are one simple bitch...
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