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Everything posted by JackStroud

  1. OHHHHH it was a meaningless scrub game.......whoooppeeee "Coughlin said he could not remember the last time he ran a fake punt"...........no kidding Hey BlindGreed- Would Andy ever run a fake punt?
  2. Hey storm I was kidding about the dates but old Ironpants has trick play issues....I loved the fake punt direct snaps Parcells uses to run.....no one does that anymore....go figure He is a conservative fellow.......I think he finds trick plays embarassing........BTW Lombardi never ran trick plays either The funniest conservative coach was the original Minny coach......forget his name......refused to allow the players to wear Coats on the sidelines when it was 20 below LOL........froze their asses off He called a fake punt? did it work?
  3. This is just not an out of the box organization.......not early adopters... As before Bs before Cs They believe in everything by the book with possible exception of running the ball to the middle of a sloppy field to win a hard fought knife fight. LOL The last time they ran a reverse was 2006..........flea flicker 1988......fake punts are strictly frowned upon watayagonnadue
  4. He hasn't lost anything, but the desire to excel as a Giant. He has one foot out the door.
  5. The Dolphins like the Seahawks are one of those teams no one wants to play.......they are capable of beating anyone on a given sunday I am not looking forward to playing AZ
  6. Yeah but frankly the Giants are not good at thinking outside the box..........the last RB they moved to the slot was Frank Gifford
  7. If you say so........we'll see They are this years 49rs......so far
  8. He is best in open space (who isnt)......has the Bradshw disease of no patience, and runs straight into his own tackles ass If we used him with pitchouts, reverses (not a big Coughlin favorite), and screens he could do significant damage. I'd use him as a slot receiver.......he has great hands, and you saw the speed.....he is also very rugged
  9. I agree. Osi is not going to be a Giant next year anyway........he might wind up sharing a corner of the lockeroom with McCoy
  10. I'm not so sure of that. I think AZ might make it back to the SB this year........how they re-built that team I have no idea but they have been the most Impressive team, along with Minny as the come back teams of the year. We are running at 70% throttle and I do not like it one bit
  11. good point......we did not want it badly enough, and sitting Brown was an unmittigated disaster. He is very similar to McCoy in that you have to leave him in their to eventually find his holes. Coughlin has this "loyalty" thing for injured Vets that sometimes drives me nuts
  12. so AZ comes to Philly its a reverse score LOL AZ is playing better than any other team in the NFL right now........Houston beat 4 weaklings
  13. Well today he said he ordered the long pass as his philosophy is to always be aggressive He admitted it was a bad idea Barden is not to blame......saying had he not assaulted Namdi it was a sure INT Just a clusterfuck all way around Since we have declared a sort of truce I would be very happy if you admitted tackling Tuck from behind is not legal offensive line play.....would that kill you?
  14. Ok Ok you are a good poster........I felt so bad for poor Dr Crue last night, he's a southern gentleman with a good heart. But I was kidding about the balls.....I knew it was a sloppy rain soaked field.....apparently Coughlin and Gilbride did not notice the conditions or they would have settled for a out pass to Cruz or just kicked it from the 27..congrats for dodging another Eli 4th QTr comeback.
  15. I do not hate the guy.............sorry. He is an exciting player on a doomed charter to nowhere. You will soon begin to resemble last nights Cowgirls.........the cracks already were exposed in AZ. Your D is not that good.....we had an off night. Sitting Andre Brown was a catastophic mistake. Nicks is nicked up and our o-line is strugglng.... We have a big new DE weapon to roll out but he's recurperating a hammy- Ojomo. Osi is too busy counting his $5 million dollars to play football right now, but he capable of breaking out at any time. you saw what Wilson can do......imagine what happens when he is worked into the offense. We have a lot of new exciting players.......you wont see the playoffs ready Giants team running on all cylinders til around game 10 For the Eagles its nowhere to go but down.....you are limping along winning by a point or two and when the injuries come calling (and they will) you will go down in flames once again. You guys played out of your minds the other night, we did not, and you still had to hold your breath that Tynes does not make the kick. You're luck will soon start to run out, and they will be tarring and feathering Vick and Andy......you know it, I know it The tie breaker is Eli- he is a HOF QB, yours is a convicted felon who cannot dependably run a pro offense- 10 cent head. I do not consider him a top 15 QB and without a top 5 QB - No Supe for you Its fun having you around......you are always welcome here. All you did Sunday night was prolong our inevitable taking of the NFC East. We will be back tied with you 3-2 on Sunday night.........We are too much of a load to handle once we get rolling.
  16. We do not hate DJax..........he is Mr Irrelivant. Did your team charter a plane for Cabo with Tony to watch the SB?
  17. In the end I have reduced my opponent to an emoticom, as per usual...... Cheesy, we will see you on Game 16 at MetLife........where you are likely to be 3-12......Say hello to Mike Vick and have him bring his shine kit to game 16.....The Giants have arranged to have a real replica Barn for him to practice at in the parking lot.......Broad side and all LOL........OK here is your game 16 score- Giants 44 Eagles 10......you are a glutton for punishment. I saw you brought the deflated football story to your fellow penitents over the Rant and Rave in Jail Board.....IT WAS A JOKE .....if you prefer we will play you guys on the Walt Whitman Bridge next year .......Will you be here after the SFO game when we regain 1st place???????
  18. I like the hardware............in the end its what you play the season for I want to be like the NFL's Manchester United I dont begrudge you your little 6ft short ref assisted victory........party like its 1999
  19. I also said you would win if your team outmotivated us........dont have a selective memory I bring up the Gruden Walt Whitman story because I was on my floor belly laughing for days afterwards.......was really really funny stuff Why dont you get Jon to replace Cheesesteak?
  20. And the Steelers are the 2nd most prolific SB team in the last 25 years........I'd say they are the significant PA franchise.......not regular season wonders like the Beagles I would love to win all our regular season games, but we have proven time and again all we need is an entry card to the dance and the rest is history Remember the time Jon Gruden said he would play you on the Walt Whitman bridge then proceeded to trounce you in your house 55-0.........I loved that Eagles moment. What happened???? LOL Does anyone have that cheesy picture of the Eagles trophy case for our friend to print out and frame? hey Mr 4 Pts.........what happened when you played those other Birds? We do not get blown out....we're in every game to the end. 27 to 6?????? WTF Why dont you see if the Steelers will allow another Dawkins night? HaHaHa
  21. beat them.....then get back to me. I would not bet on the Eagles this weekend, would you?
  22. Why dont you give us an update on beating the Steelers, who you have not beaten since Moses came down off the mountain. Let us worry about getting past the mighty Browns One must take in to consideration your team is but 4 point total from being 0-4 I have feeling you would not be here if Tynes kick went 6 ft farther........and you wont be back sunday night when we stand tied with you 3-2........feel free to give us a tie breaker lecture ahead of time 5 games in to the season LOL beating us by 2 points was actually an Eagles blowout victory......how long do you think you can dodge these bullets with your little Sanchezian QB?
  23. too many times he took the inside track, got to Vick and Vick just ran around him He should have learned you have to funnel Vick back to the middle (where you should have help), not give him a wide open sideline......that killed us My biggest gripe is Fewell started to dial back the blitz as the game went on........he always errs on the cautious side, so we die of a thousand khife cuts
  24. this is a healthy devlopment........some real good young talent is emerging in our secondary which will stand up well as the season goes on the secondary was not our problem last night other than ol man rolle.........slowwwwwwww
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