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6:35pSUPER BOWL XLVI - The First New York Giants 1st Down in the Game will happen on a Pass or Run Play? 


Pass -180.



6:35pSUPER BOWL XLVI - The Firs New England 1st Down in the Game will happen on a Pass or Run Play? 


Pass -180



6:35pSUPER BOWL XLVI - Will Either team score 3 unanswered times in the game? 




6:35pSUPER BOWL XLVI - Will there be a score in the first 5min 30 seconds of the 1st quarter? 




SUPER BOWL XLVI - What will the New York Giants do First - Score or Punt 


Punt -130


SUPER BOWL XLVI - Will a Field Goal be Scored in the 1st Quarter? 


Yes -130



6:35pSUPER BOWL XLVI - Exact number of Touchdowns in the game 


Making three bets 6, 7 & 8






This is crazy but gotta risk it LOL. Gotta put at least $2

6:35pSUPER BOWL XLVI - First Team to reach 10 points (or more) in the game. 


Neither team will. +5000.






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