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Here's the new Rumour on Arrington..........

Guest Lockhart

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Guest Lockhart

or the dislclaimer - looks like Benton and crowd are trying to run from their own rumours!




Thursday, April 6, 2006

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!


Filed under: Giants 101— Dan Benton @ 8:37 am

It’s been a rough off-season - I’ll be the first to admit it. I used little caution when I’ve reported things this year. Despite putting disclaimers on nearly everything I’ve written and noting everything I’ve hear as a rumor, people come her expecting to hear what the “experts” have to say.


I am no expert. David is no expert. Jason is no expert. We’re Giants fans.. Giants bloggers. We each have a few friends here and there who pass us bits and pieces of information. Sometimes you get something good, other times you don’t. This off-season has been just horrible and I will take responsibility for that. As a fan, I wanted so badly for Lavar Arrington to be a Giant, I posted anything I heard about him right here on this site. Only once did I take the time to confirm it with other sources, and even then it was incorrect.


My partners and I have taken a lot of heat because of that. I fully understand that, but don’t give Jason or David the brunt of it. I admit it, it was my mistake. I can assure each and every one of my readers however, I am not a liar. Nothing you’ve ever read on this site was made up by any of the three of us. Nothing was ever put on this site that didn’t come from someone in a better spot than we are. No random 12 year old girl told me something that I eventual put up here as fact. Actually, I’ve never stated anything I’ve heard as a fact here.


I just know a lot of Giants fans like hearing those blurbs, and thus here they are. I never claimed they were 100% accurate, all I said was I stand by my sources. And I will continue to do so, but in my own silence. The people who talk to me are not liars and they don’t create stories. Things change and some people have a hard time dealing with that. It’s a constant game of telephones and sometimes things also get messed up along the way. I don’t want to create false hopes for anything around here and then let fans down.. (As I have been let down, as a Giants fan myself.)


The fact is very few truly know what’s going on with this Lavar Arrington situation currently. John Clayton reports it’s down to the Miami Dolphins and the New York Giants and that the Giants have offered a $10 million signing bonus (The highest of any team). On Sportscenter they said “Arrington WILL be a Giant”. The New York Post says nothing has changed in three weeks. Sirius radio reported Arrington was recently in New York.


I have taken the time to e-mail Mr. Jason McCanfora of the Washington Post. He has been so kind as to return my e-mails. (Before anyone says it, yes I know someone else from BBI has e-mailed him as well.)


Mr. McCanfora informed me that the offer the Giants placed on the table three weeks ago has not changed and they refuse to blink. He thinks this may actually drag on for many more weeks as the Poston’s continue to play a chess game, hoping for one team to initiate a bidding war and despite John Clayton’s reports that the Bengal and Jaguars are still involved in the chase.


That’s as true and accurate as I can get for you readers. I haven’t talked with any of my “sources” in two days, and don’t plan to again this week.


Finally, it looks like the Giants are bringing in LB Chad Brown for a meeting. There may be actual interest here, or it may just be another move in the never-ending chess match to put pressure on the Poston’s.


Time will tell.



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Guest Lockhart
I hope the Chad Brown part is inaccurate. He's got nothing left.


yeah, but he would be cheap and good for depth. The Giants wouldn't get anything more out of Arrington.

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Guest Carbo

This is great! Another BS rumor that all the lemmings on this board and kiddies.com took to heart as the word of God. Yet all along, in the face of personal attacks and ridicule, the FAB 4 stood firm. And, once again, are proven right. True visionaries, these chaps. :clap: :worshippy:

Next time, ladies, please shut up and listen.

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This is great! Another BS rumor that all the lemmings on this board and kiddies.com took to heart as the word of God. Yet all along, in the face of personal attacks and ridicule, the FAB 4 stood firm. And, once again, are proven right. True visionaries, these chaps. :clap: :worshippy:

Next time, ladies, please shut up and listen.


You aren't even a member. You are just a baby batter guzzling groupie.


Bend over, bitch.

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Guest Floyd The Barber
You aren't even a member. You are just a baby batter guzzling groupie.


Bend over, bitch.



whats up Big Cheese...

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