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Lilly signs with Cubs


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For 40 mil., 3 yrs., about the same the Yankees were rumored to offer him. Does this mean Cashman's going to stand pat and go with his farm system? I sure hope so.

We'll probably sign Pettite and watch his demise. I hate that fucker, I hope we dont sign him but I'm not holding my breath.

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We'll probably sign Pettite and watch his demise. I hate that fucker, I hope we dont sign him but I'm not holding my breath.


I agree, this definitely means that the Yankees grew lukewarm toward Lilly when Pettite officially came onto the market. I seriously doubt he'll bring Clemens over with him, but crazier things have happened. I think that Pettite, ever mindful of the Red Sox - Yankee rivalry (he's refused higher offers from the Red Sox out of respect for NY) will pitch for the Yankees because of this childish game of one-upsmanship.

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