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Why do we sustain so many injuries?


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Coughlin, like Fassel chooses starters and plays them till they drop.........literally


It's a sin Blackburn, Walker, Jacobs, Whimper etc etc get so little playing time


Jacobs 2 carries against the Bears????? Insanity, especially with Tiki spaining a thumb inthe 1st quarter......is Coughlin nuts???

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I would like to know how their practices are ....too strenuous, too many hits against a team mate, too many full speed plays in practice adding to the wear and tear? Or is it their strentgh and conditioning is lax? Whatever it is , we better find a clue and soon. :cwy:

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I doubt our strength and conditioning is up to par


Tiki has his own trainer, and is practically unbreakable........hes a ball of muscule


others seem to get hurt every year

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This totally disregards the strength of the schedule we're playing. Look at teams like the Falcons, they have 40 Million dollars worth of beef on their sidelines right now.


i don't think that there's a glaring secret that we're missing, but we have been hit hard.


You might guess that our LB challenges were due to our line play and the type of O's that we faced last year.


You can also surmise that our heated contest with Dallas hurt this year's squad quite a bit.


Let's not go calling our team a Fassel team; it was only a few year's ago (when TC) joined up that we went from Nautilus to free weights and removed the TV's from the weight room.


We had bad injuries then too.

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My sig says it all.


Agreed Strength and Conditioning Coach should be one of the highest paid positions on the staff.


Parcells had a guy who actually went to Russia to study the latest techiques in athletic training Johnny somethigorother when we went to the SB in 1986


I'm all for Joe Carini as our Strength coach.......

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How did Toomer injure his knee? He put unnatural stress on his knee and when he didn't have the muscle mass built (because I am sure he does the standard weight training program) his ligament was forced to do something it isn't designed to do.


I'm not saying it wouldn't have happened in Carini was the conditioning coach, I'm saying there would be a much lower chance.

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