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Everything posted by shooboxx

  1. i think they (nfl.com) messed up on that last eagles play cause the play before that was the double reverse and Lewis did throw a pass on that play.
  2. not me - listening to the radio broadcast at the moment
  3. start chuggin those drinks... its gonna be a long damn game.
  4. yup I was thinking the SAME exact thing.
  5. why do the Giants hate me? I was having a perfectly fine day... and they have to ruin my mood.
  6. i muted them...but I concur with your statement. they both are fucking annoying.
  7. does this mean that the Giants defense is no longer 29th in the league? haha
  8. i almost feel bad for poor mcnabb... almost...not really
  9. The game is NEVER over until that last second ticks off the clock.
  10. missed the point after .... this is just too fucking funny....
  11. Its really odd to watch the opposing team shooting themselves in the foot with penalties. Its like its opposite day or something...
  12. I know... would be nice if offense and defense could be clickin' at the same time.... jeezuz LOL
  13. Eli needs to stop fucking throwing to buress today..... jeezuz
  14. can i not hear about how amazing Brett Farve still is? Its not him...its the shitty defense.... :explode: gawd.... i hate commentators...all of them.
  15. i would say that is an understatement.
  16. serious... if this team had a defense...it would be a VERY dangerous team.
  17. kewl thanks! ill see if that will work for me
  18. that is odd. Im not watching the game - just keeping track of it on the Yahoo gametracker thing.
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