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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Lets not get ahead of ourselves.


    That said Carr will probably come in at some point, which will be the total humiliation Dallas deserves.



    as a Giants Fan,, i can't wait for that moment.... CARR for the TD!!!!!

  2. Good luck to you. And thanks, anyway -- but I think we'll need a little more than good luck. But you never know.



    haha god what we gonna do without eggy here...1.1.?!?!?!?!?!



    a true fan even when team is down, he still pushing the button.. beating the dead horse..

  3. i voted for our man KIWI.. but dam i was watching ROgars.... wow that guy is a monster!!!.. i think if you put him in a cage with a Bear,, he'll come out alive.... could you imagine something of his size chasing down RBs???.. my goodiness....

  4. don't forget our secondary is young and improving. i'm sure sooner or later Butler will be replace and we'll have some depth as well. don't anyone of you guys recall our second round pick?? Terrell Thomas??? i know his name hasn't been mention. But by next season i'm guessing we're see some of him in action..

  5. How many linebackers do you want to draft per year?

    They just drafted 2 this last draft, 1 in 2007 (DeOssie) and Wilkinson 2 years ago.

    I think Kehl is the man and will be for a long time.




    seriously now... which of those three guys you think will play to the level of Mitchell??? our front four is a beast (TUCK, ROBBINs, KIWI) , secondary is young and is turning heads (ROSS, Webster, PHILLIPS) .. now other than AP, who can you name on that line of LB?.. AP's a great leader but not as athletic as i would like ..

  6. C- after 4 picks? I mean, they had a couple of bad plays but overall were pretty solid.


    And Phillips is the man.



    true.. i'll give them that, but without the pressure from the front... would those four picks be possible?? but i do agree, i change from a C to a B- ...

  7. i give our front 4 an A

    LB a B- they didn't do much that outs shine our front four. did an avg job but let that TD rush..

    our secondary a B-, where the hell did ROSS go??.. Webster is the only star i. that long TD Pass made "what's his name" look like a dog chasing his tail..


    anyway, overall, our D deserves a B+. the PLUS is for smacking that smile out of Hines Wards freaking face.... :flex:

  8. i'm about to go ape shit... that TD catch made our DB look like a little girl....


    these refs are blind, what the helll!!!!!!!!


    bring Bradshaw and Ward in there.. let jacobs sit for a sec... come on!!!!!


    ELI.. throw one DEEP.. pleaseSS!!!

  9. I was thinking the same thing.


    Going into the half with the lead, but Pitt gets the ball.


    Next time the offense gets a chance they need to drive and get a TD. This is a really close game that could come down to the final drive and all the points you can get will matter on the final drive.


    I supported TC on his going for it on that 4th and half a yard to goal and I stand by it. But those lost 3 points could be painfully lost at the end of the game.



    agree with TC going for it on 4th and inches... just sucks we couldn't get it...



    anyways, here's half time yap yap.. thank god we got gaptooth.... on another note, i wish strahan would just reach over and bitch slap bradshaw on the back of his bald head..




    haha YES SIR..



    i'm starting to believe this girl has the magic to create world peace!!!!.. :rolleyes:

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