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Posts posted by Plow

  1. "The NFL Network reports the Giants may be preparing to make a second run at Patriots GM Scott Pioli to fill the same position in New York.

    The Giants aren't expected to announce Ernie Accorsi's successor until next week, but if Bill Parcells decides on his future by then, it's possible Pioli will reconsider. One rumor had Pioli holding out on the Giants' job because he thought his father-in-law Parcells wanted it."

  2. Take out "Hockey" and "Basketball" sections, and replace them with "Other Sports Section," including boxing and soccer" or replace with ONE "Hockey, Basketball and Other Sports" Section. We have too many sections, and people don't post on some of them, because no one is around to read them. Its better to have one big section for these, until they grow bigger.


    i agree 100%

  3. If he's coming back to the AL, he'd better make sure his doctor stocks plenty of those "B-12" :LMAO: shots he used to rave about during his last stint with the Yanks. Guess the Yanks aren't yet above cheating, if that's what it takes to get back to the top.


    i'm sure nobody on the sox ever took steroids.

  4. "And Brian Cashman promised a "full-court press'' to bring Clemens to New York."


    She packed my bags last night pre-flight

    Zero hour nine a.m.

    And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then

    I miss the earth so much i miss my wife

    It's lonely out in space

    On such a timeless flight


    And i think it's gonna be a long long time

    Till touch down brings me round again to find

    I'm not the man they think i am at home

    Oh no no no i'm a rocket man

    Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone


    Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids

    In fact it's cold as hell

    And there's no one there to raise them if you did

    And all this science i don't understand

    It's just my job five days a week

    A rocket man, a rocket man



  5. It's all about how much money they are asking for. I think it's time that we start building our secondary through the draft. I would love a guy like Samuel or Clements but if they ask for too much we should shy away.


    We need a guy who will go over the middle and get open and catch everything thrown to him. I like Mike Furrey, but do you guys think he was a product of Martz's system this past year?


    For now, I'm gonna enjoy the playoffs. Now the real teams play. I'm gonna enjoy the matchups, enjoy the super bowl, then I'll think more about the off-season.


    i agree completly. We have too many soft deep threats. Need somebody who can run a slant over the middle.

  6. you have to overcome injuries. we were supposed to have a very deep DL this year. He never adjusted the scheme when Strahan left and we got killed on that side almost every game.


    Eagles lost Kearse and they adjusted, that's what a good Defensive coach does.


    I understand that and I'm glad he's gone, but our defense finished 14th against the run this year and I'm positive we didn't improve in the 2nd half so it must have been better than that in the first half. I am just pointing out in the first half of the year they werent terrible.

  7. I guess you didn't see the Philly and seahawks game?


    yeah i also remember the few games after that.


    -Skins put up 3 points on us.

    -Michael Vick got sacked like 7 times against us and looked clueless.

    -We made Bledsoe look so bad they benched him for Romo. Then we picked Romo THREE TIMES. We had 6 sacks in that game. Lavar got hurt here

    -Then the Bucs came into town and scored 3 points on us.

    -We played the Texans and gave up 10 points. Strahan got hurt here


    Then the rest of the season was a disaster. We win 2 out of 9.

  8. Seriously, are the Giants really gonna go through with it and finalize a contract with this guy? Don't they have any shame? The guy continues cheating when everybody knows he's a cheater. Do they really care that he breaks the record in a Giant uniform? To me, that's more of an embarrassment to the organization than anything else.


    looks like it actually is going to hold up the deal.



  9. Actually it was. Every team knew our backfield sucked balls. Hell Lavar didn't have but one good game (against Dallas). People were getting on the DL's case for lack of pass rush and that's with Strahan playing.


    We definitely need to shore up or CB and Safety positions ... big time.


    i remember halfway through the seaosn our run defense was like 4th or 5th in the league.

  10. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2727325


    NEW YORK -- Barry Bonds failed a test for amphetamines last season and originally blamed it on a teammate, the Daily News reported Thursday.


    When first informed of the positive test, Bonds attributed it to a substance he had taken from teammate Mark Sweeney's locker, the New York City newspaper said, citing several unnamed sources.


    "I have no comment on that," Bonds' agent Jeff Borris told the Daily News on Wednesday night.


    "Mark was made aware of the fact that his name had been brought up," Sweeney's agent Barry Axelrod told the Daily News. "But he did not give Barry Bonds anything, and there was nothing he could have given Barry Bonds."


    Bonds, who has always maintained he never has tested positive for illegal drug use, is already under investigation for lying about steroid use.


    A federal grand jury is investigating whether the 42-year-old Bonds perjured himself when he testified in 2003 in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative steroid distribution case that he never knowingly used performance-enhancing drugs. The San Francisco Giants slugger told a 2003 federal grand jury that he believed his trainer Greg Anderson had provided him flaxseed oil and arthritic balm, not steroids.


    Under baseball's amphetamines policy, which went into effect last season, players are not publicly identified for a first positive test. A second positive test for amphetamines results in a 25-game suspension. The first failed steroids test costs a player 50 games.


    Bonds did not appeal the positive test, which made him subject to six drug tests by MLB over the next six months, according to the Daily News.


    "We're not in a position to confirm or deny, obviously," MLB spokesman Rich Levin told the Daily News.


    According to the newspaper, Sweeney learned of the Bonds' positive test from Gene Orza, chief operating officer of the Major League Baseball Players Association. Orza told Sweeney, the paper said, that he should remove any troublesome substances from his locker and should not share said substances. Sweeney said there was nothing of concern in his locker, according to the Daily News' sources.


    An AP message for Sweeney was not immediately returned late Wednesday.


    The Giants are still working to finalize complicated language in the slugger's $16 million, one-year contract for next season -- a process that has lasted almost a month since he agreed to the deal Dec. 7 on the last day of baseball's winter meetings.


    The language still being negotiated concerns the left fielder's compliance with team rules, as well as what would happen if he were to be indicted or have other legal troubles.


    Borris has declined to comment on the negotiations. He didn't immediately return a message from the AP on Wednesday night.


    The 42-year-old Bonds is set to begin his 15th season with the Giants only 22 home runs shy of surpassing Hank Aaron's career record of 755.


    Bonds, considered healthy again following offseason surgery on his troublesome left elbow, has spent 14 of his 21 big-league seasons with San Francisco and helped the Giants draw 3 million fans in all seven seasons at their waterfront ballpark.


    After missing all but 14 games in 2005 following three operations on his right knee, Bonds batted .270 with 26 homers and 77 RBIs in 367 at-bats in 2006. He passed Babe Ruth to move into second place on the career home run list May 28.


    Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

  11. Who do you have in mind? Who do you think could be the guy that leads us to the super bowl next year?


    The disciplinarian coach is gone. I've gotten that through my head. Coughlin can't control the stupid headbutts, these guys are just flat out idiots who have no clue what to do. My problem with Coughlin is his in-game managing and lack of adjustments. That may be a problem.


    Keeping him was the right thing. there was no on else out there.


    Ron Rivera def coor Bears

    Cam Cameron off coor Chargers

    Ken Whisenhunt off coor Steelers

    Rex Ryan def coor Ravens


    all of these guys will be interviweing for head coaching positions. Now I am not saying that they're the next great thing but all 4 have great resumes and could be something. I'd rather take the 6 mil we're paying coughlin over 2 years and give it to one of them. Pay them something like 8 mil over 3 years. See what happens.

  12. The only assistant prospect I really like is Ron Rivera, and who knows if we would've gotten him.


    It came down to the Mara's and Tisch's asking the players what they wanted, and they all said they wanted TC back. And that there were no real coaching candidates out there.


    I'm not a Coughlin fan. But I have to say, I do agree with this move.


    the idea is to win a super bowl. We know what Coughlin's going to give us; mediocrity.


    I bought into the rebuilding after we went 4-12 and was patient with this team. I've lost my patience, we're good enough now to go somewhere. Coughlin is keeping this team stalled.

  13. Yea it was the right move. there no good coaches. With a new DC and OC i think will Tom will be fine


    the 2 best coaches this year were Mangini and Payton. Both were assistants the year before.


    There are some decent assistants out there right now who I am quite sure could do a better job than Coughlin.

  14. I voted yes, because not only is our team (especially Manning) used to him, but Huff no longer calls the plays, and Gilbride seems pretty good so far... we just need healthy people, and Tim Lewis to call more blitzes..

    I like TC


    how could you possibly like coughlin?


    He preaches discipline and his team has none. He wanted to fix penalties and the Giants consistently are worst in the league at commiting them. He wanted to limit injuries and his team is always very injured.


    What is there to like?

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