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Posts posted by Plow

  1. I think because it takes a football team to win not just a QB. Romo and Eli are very good QBs. I don't know what the Boys' problem was but ours was our D. They couldn't stop anyone.


    cowboys problem was bad luck.

  2. of course he had a choice, which was arbitration. florida was deatly afraid of that, so obviously he had a good chance of winning.


    he's not the type to go crazy over a million. He gets so much in endorsements. There are really only a few black superstars in baseball. Him, Bonds, Sheffield and Torri Hunter. Half of those guys are hated by the fans. Baseball tries very hard to market Willis and Hunter to kids. I'm sure he's living off a good amount of endorsements right now. He's also going to a get huge payday soon even if he fucks up his shoulder and doesn't pitch next year. Besides arbitration can get ugly and very awkward for teams and their players.

  3. agree. i could care less what color he is. im really sick of that aspect being emphasized


    well when the majority of the players are black, and only about 2% of the office people are black it makes you kind of wonder. Doesn't it?

  4. I'm not sure about that. While he's extremely valuable because every other team would love to have him, arbitrations are based on stats, and he's coming off a .500 season with a 3.84 ERA. That's not stellar. Plus he's only got 4 years under his belt. Guys don't usually hit the big payday until year 6 or so.


    exactly, i dont see why this is so surprising. He really didn't have much choice here.

  5. :LMAO::LMAO:


    The guy sucks, and he's gone this year. He signed a 1 year deal last year right? His deal is up, and we'd be stupid to bring him back. Coughlin wants no part of him, it was said on WFAN that TC wanted Carter and Walker cut in training camp but EA refused to budge and didn't cut them.


    Our WRs are a big concern IMO. Without Toomer or Plax for a game or several games, Eli would struggle. We need another reliable target. I'm not feeling that optimistic about Moss.


    exactly. This is why i dont understand why this guy wrote, "the need here is not as great as at other positions." I think it's a clear top priority.

  6. He didn't say it was shored up, he said with Toomer returning and Moss staying healthy we'd be able to play. Meaning Carter would be #4.

    And he did say that adding another burner is a possibility.


    yeah well to me (I know this sounds crazy) I think a stud WR is very close to the top of our needs. If we want to see Eli progress he needs more than what we have. Plax cant go over the middle, he creates bad habits for Eli. He likes the ball up above his head so he can catch it with his hands, which makes Eli want to throw the ball like that to all his receivers.


    We need something else.

  7. I disagree with him about one thing. I dont think the WR's are as sured up like he thinks. I disagree that Tim Carter isn't as bad as everyone thinks. The guy was given many chances, he HAS NO HANDS. HE DOES STINK! He doesn't create any seperation unless he's the 4th WR and nobody pays attention to him. I know he's cheap and we can keep him and thats fine.


    However, we need to get a guy who can go over the middle on slant patterns. We NEED a hands guy. Toomer is that guy but he's getting old. I would love if we could draft Dwayne Jarrett from USC. He's not afraid to go over the middle and he has GREAT hands. We have too many deep threats on our team. Also, Plax is not a Number 1 receiver. His attitude stinks. We need somebody else here that Eli can groom and will be in mini camp with him.

  8. it would be cool if he got like 50 grand for every home run.


    It would be dumb to give that kind of incentive because a player would just swing for the fences and it would give him bad habits and play bad baseball. However, as a fan that would be so cool to watch.


    Hopefully he doesn't sneeze and end up with a career ending injury.

  9. Chad Curtis. Shane Spencer. Ricky Ledee. Melky Cabrera. They're all the same guy.


    That really makes me mad when you say that. Last year it was Cano who was the next overrated prospect. Before that it was Scott Proctor. Before that it was Nick Johnson.


    The Yankees farm system has had a resurgence since Steinbrenner stopped interfering.


    Proctor could close for almost half the teams in the league. Cano would start on all of them and is an all star. Wang would be a number 1 for nearly half.

  10. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



    Excuse me, I'm not done yet.





    But honestly, they're one of the top contenders in the league but I wouldn't hand anything to them on a silver platter yet. All the sportswriters are criticizing the Yankees rotation right now...guess they wanted to wait until after the Johnson deal.


    Ken Rosenthal:

    Their effort to build a younger, more flexible roster is commendable and long overdue. There's just one problem: The Yankees left little margin for error with their rotation, and unless Clemens shows up in June, Jeff Karstens, Darrell Rasner and Co. could make an alarmingly high percentage of starts.


    The off-season work of general manager Brian Cashman will look that much better if a youngster such as Philip Hughes or Humberto Sanchez emerges as a viable option. Then again, if a brittle veteran such as right-hander Mike Mussina and/or lefty Andy Pettitte gets injured, the focus will be on the short-term loss, not the long-term gain.


    Dayn Perry:

    And speaking of the Yankees, the trade of Randy Johnson, while thoroughly sensible from their perspective, means the Yanks presently must find two starters from a group that comprises Carl Pavano, Kei Igawa and Jeffrey Karstens. None of them is an optimal choice. Pavano has been on the 60-day DL four times since 2000, Igawa figures to have serious difficulties against the opposite side, and Karstens doesn't project as a quality major league starter.


    and Tom Verducci



    going with the kids is something thats long overdue for the Yankees.

  11. Haha. Well, I think the NL is gonna have some damn good pitchers next year, not only because they have some of the best SP in the game (Oswalt, Carpenter, Zambrano, Sheets, Peavy) but weaker offenses as well. Aim for NL SP in fantasy. Granted odds are I won't even be in a a FB league this year due to circumstances...Plow...I hate you.


    not my fault half of the league didn't care anymore. It's my fault that I got fed up with it.

  12. Eh, you never know, but you can't rob someone of their natural ability. Nomar has always been able to hit a baseball with the best of them. But that's in the past now...I hate the whole witch hunt and think it's bad for baseball. I just want to see things cleared up...can't fault me for that.


    yeah thats fine, but I think a lot of these guys are still doing something.

  13. Kapler


    Kapler has long been considered one of the fittest people in all of baseball...this is just proof that fitness doesn't mean that he can be an incredible baseball player. As for Nomar, there were rumors that he would be named in Canseco's book but those were just that, rumors. You know as well as anyone that steroids don't necessarily mean pumped bodies and all that...Alex Sanchez used them! Plow, I'm honestly ashamed of you. I know you're defending your guys but to accuse ours is just unsportsmanlike. Innocent until proven guilty, remember that.


    Bonds = guilty.


    you really got to suspect nomar, skinny little 180 pound kid throughout college and all of a sudden he looks like that?

    I know innocent until proven guilty, but 100+ players tested positive for steroids back in 2003. I bet at least one red sox player was on the list. That was Ortiz's breakout year too ;)

  14. I'm not going to argue with that but I have some worries about Verlander's decline at the end of last year (the Tigers babied him on purpose but he still declined a bit, his splits are pretty severe). The fact that that is the biggest question is a pretty big factor though. I had a bit of bias in voting for the Red Sox but I think they're definitely up there in the AL. The White Sox hurt themselves by trading both McCarthy and Garcia though...they've had a killer 5 aces the last couple of years. I voted Dodgers as well though, nice to see we're on the same page there.


    looks like more people side with me lorf. Nice job with the homer pick. :TU:

  15. I must've missed the investigations into steroid use by Nomar and Kapler while they were members of the Sox. Got a link? Anyway, I was referring to current Sox.


    the only current Yank who has been involved with the steroids thing is Giambi. Yet Giambi admitted it (like a man) and apologized.


    Dont even try to say Pettitte and Clemens were. Those are just allegations and rumors. Thats like saying Ortiz is on steroids.


    So I'm still waiting to see how you can prove the Yankees are cheaters and take steroids. "Got a link?"

  16. It's only one paragraph, don't worry.


    What page are you on? I have about 60 pages left.


    just started, i'm on like chapter 4. I got discouraged after the Giants lost and havent felt like reading a football book though. You should read Michael Lewis' book The Blind Side. I think you would like it. I loved it, couldn't put it down.

  17. Coughlin already got the extension. He's coaching the Giants in 07 no matter what.


    I'm more interested in Pioli not to get rid of Coughlin, but because of his 3 super bowls in 5 years. In Belichick's book that I'm reading now, he talks about how great Pioli is at evaluating talent. That's what I'm more interested in.


    i'm reading that book too, thanks for ruining it for me!

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